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Elméleti tudás a hétköznapi gyakorlatban
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Seven organisations or institutions are taking part in the project. Besides our school six German partners are willing to take part in the project. Our main partner is Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH (SHW). We maintain direct relations with them and they mediate towards the five additional partners. In the region our school, the Secondary Vocational School and Hostel has an important role in the area of professional training. In Bánki Donát Institutional Unit we train skilled workers and technicians. The objective of our institution is to meet the requirements of the environs and to satisfy all demands of the neighbouring economic organisations. We train the students in dual form and teach them the classical education and the professional theory subjects. The professional trainings are done by factories and firms, the emphasize is on developing the professional skills Our partner, SHW is a family enterprise in Germany, Thuringia, which has considerable experience in the field of receiving foreign students. More successful projects have been done by them. They cooperate with the chamber of Commerce and Industry in Thuringia, which has been taken into the project. It establishes and maintains relations with the German contractors. The practise of our catering students will be done in Göbel`s Sophienhotel, Göbels Aquavitaban , Göbel`s Hotel Quellenhofban and Göbel's Seehotel Diemelsee. The logistics students workplace will be at Logistic Center Berka GmbH. Business contacts have been maintained between SHW and the Göbel family as well as the Logistic Center Berka Gmb. The five German partners receive students not only through SHW but they train students as well and they have applicants in connection with other projects. Due to the close contact with SHW the employers are aware of ECVET elements, which purpose is the evaluation of the students. It ensures our students to obtain the expected training. The training and the motivation of the students are emphasized. The title of the project ‘Theoretical knowledge in Practice’ refers to our aim: practising and developing the theoretical knowledge of our students in real environment. It is important that the students can get an insight view into other countries in Europe, in this case into Germany, Thuringia. Our school would not be able to accomplish it but this project provides the opportunity of internationalisation, and the broadening of the horizons of our students. We intend to develop a long-term relation with our foreign partner. One of the aims of our project is promoting the language and main competences of our students. (e.g.: application of info communication technical systems) The acquired knowledge can be applied later in their jobs and in the field of workforce better prospects can be expected. Our school has an intention to adapt the acquired information into the teaching material. In this case our school can provide more professional- centred trainings. It can promote our effort that is to keep or increase the number of students. Furthermore it presents the possibility to motivate the students in learning and to improve the atmosphere of teaching. Scheduling of the project: 01.07.2015.: the management of the school appoints the people who will be in charge of the co-ordination of the project. An application will be announced for the students 01.09.2015.: professional, general, cultural and foreign language coaching for the applicants. 01.10.2015: measuring of the development with a test, appointing the participants. After filling in a test by the students, the headmaster, the professional and the language teachers will evaluate them. They will choose the students who will take part in the project. For them further language, mental and cultural trainings will be held. Letters of Intent will be signed by the students and the organisation of the travel will start. 02.11.2015: travel to Thuringia. The professional training will last for 28 days, the first and the last day will be spent with the journey. In the middle of the professional training a monitoring is planned. 30.11.2015: journey back to Hungary. After the professional training the professional reports, the certificates and the Europass certificates will be done. The last step will be the dissemination of the experiments in our school, the local newspaper, compiling the final résumé and financial report.
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6 Partners Participants