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Elinikäinen opintopolku eheäksi
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The entire personnel of the Loviisa Adult Education Centre, i.e. eight teachers and the Headmaster of the Centre, participate in the project “Harmonious Lifetime Curriculum”. The Project is a social process, as a part of the program known as the “Common Assessment Framework (CAF)”. On this context, the next common leap of the personnel devoted to this project, is the Erasmus+ sub-project. The mission of the College is to respond to the local call of satisfying cultural requirements, congruent to the Law, and to offer study opportunities to the citizens of all participating municipalities, irrespective of the participants’ age or social status. In fact, to find out the expectation of the local cultural requirements and curriculum preferences is very challenging, and particularly problematic it is to approach the youngsters and male participants of over 50 years of age. Ladies of over 50 years of age just predominate on the courses. Therefore, by the help of the Erasmus+, we endeavor to find ways and means to, particularly, attract young adult people as our clients. An essential part of this project is to visit relevant events, such ones which appeal to this preferential group and to make study tours to various educational establishments, which, as we believe, can contribute to our mission. Sincerely, we want to find new ways to collect people together, new stimulus to enrich the contents of the courses, methodologies and pedagogical ways to boost training of young adults, as well as capabilities to market our course and, needless to say, to make our work known. The mobility of our program is planned to be bi-annual. In the first phase, the entire personnel seeks its way to language courses in Great Britain in order to gain fluency in English, required in social communication and international business. During the second phase, six teachers would visit “Bett” fair and to follow-up British native speakers for at least one week. A smaller group, two teachers and the Headmaster would head to Berlin to visit a local “Volkhochschule” and to “shadow” a German comparative colleague. The results of this project, primarily the ones which can be benefited in the strategy planning of The Centre, the stimuli to activate the young people in participating in different courses, establishing relations, as well as improvement of prerequisites to successful international operations, will be made transparent, on the one hand in the course activity and on the other hand in the network of the free education. To assess the results of this project statistical key data collected and course evaluation information will be used. Along with this appraisal, free cultural work in Loviisa would localize in a new way, i.e: regional, Finnish, Nordic, European.
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