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Eliminando fronteras, cambiando metodologías
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXTThe school San Bartolomé (Pre-school and Primary school) is situated in a district of Orihuela. We have 225 students between 3 and 12 years old. The staff is formed by 21 teachers; five of them in pre-school, eight in primary, the rest are specialists and one school counselor at part-time. Since 2014/2015 we are developing a Linguistic Project, in which we use Spanish, Valencian and English in non-linguistic areas. We have carried out two Comenius Projects. We are immersed in the renovation of our School Educative Project. For this reason, taking into account our staff requests, we apply for the development of this project. We expect ourselves to train in new technologies, so that they help us to improve our experience in the classroom, in the same way that our students can improve their relationships. We pretend to be each time more internationals, contributing a European vision to our students. On the other hand, we want to be a modern constitution using TICs in the classroom.OBJECTIVES The objectives we consider are:To improve the educative offer of our institution, using innovating methodologies as PBL, cooperative, learning through game, promoting personal relations based on respect, solidarity, comradeship and fight against bullying.To improve digital competence of our students, using TICs to motivate our pupils, favoring the communal living and improving their marks.To improve our experience as teachers by the creation of a more modern surrounding, more dynamic, opened to new educative experiences and the collaboration of other schools and institutions.To integrate in our School Educative Project the observations from other educative systems: other teaching practice, guiding us to the internationalization and updating of our institution.NUMBER AND PARTICIPANTS PROFILE Management team will be the Erasmus Commission. They will promote the organization, logistics, the activities to carry out, its monitoring and evaluation as its impact and promotion in all the educative community. From all the staff, four teachers will carry out the training activities and planned job shadowing. These teachers must have a previous knowledge of the English language (B1), previous experience in new methodologies (they must have applied this methodologies in the classroom). One of them has to be from the pre-school stage, and the other from the primary stage. The headmaster and the coordinator of the School European programmes will attend to a course in order to make more international our institution. Other member of the primary stage will carry out the training related with new technologies; learning through game or through projects, and other two teachers will realize the observations in new experiences.DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIESOrganized courses.Course “Learning based in tasks”. A pre-school teacher will attend to this course.Course “How to make your school more international”. The coordinator of the school European programmes will attend to this course for the corresponding training.Job shadowing in the Mathematics School “Yane Sandanski” (Bulgaria), school specialised in the information technology field and mathematics.Job shadowing in Greece in the elementary school “Karpenissi”, based in new technologies.BRIEF DESCRIPTION FROM THE RESULTS AND THE EXPECTED IMPACTThe results we expect to have are: to increase and improve our knowledge in relation with all the varied issues we are going to train in order to add them to our institution and our classroom reality. We expect to increase our knowledge about the development of a school politics plan in the internalization. To acquire and increase knowledge related with new learning technologies based in tasks and TIC. With the development of this project we hope that the impact it will have in our project in short term will be: a greater dynamism in the school, increased motivation in the staff, innovation in the methodologies applied in the classrooms, new professional contacts for future European projects, in the same way as to improve the linguistic, digital and personal competence.LONG-TERM BENEFITSThe benefits we hope are: new technologies establishment in our school educative project. The internalization of the school. To increase the percentage of staff who use innovating learning platforms for the development of their lessons. To contribute our students a European conscience, opening our school to new projects.
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