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Elektronik Kelepçe ve Tedavi Denetimli Serbestlik İnfaz İşlemler Gözlem Projesi
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is a project for the personnel working by the name of Karaman Probation Directorship via overviewing the application of Probation Services. There are various offices in bussinnes in Probation Directiorship. As a crackerjack there are one sociologist, one psychologist and one teacher in Training and Improvement Office; one sociologist and one officer in Assessment and Planning Office; five officers of probation in Execution Office; one probation officer in The Office of Admissions and two probation officers in Supervision Office. In Training and Improvement Office various seminars like Traing of Values Seminar, Anger Management Programme, Change for Life and Cigarette, Alcohol and Drug Addiction are carried out in Guidance and Councelling Operation. To carry out the service of Guidance and Councelling as a fruitful manner,It is aimed that the Training and Guidance- Councelling Services Operation would be at a highest level with the efficient help of Training and Guidance- Councelling Service of Holland.We want to develop our savings and experiences via joining the Personnel Mobility Project of Erasmus Programme as we are concerted about the proficient policy of Training and Improvement Office in Probation Directorship. According to these plans, it is given the responsibility of attending seminars which are sign obligation in house, execution in house and training service about alleged criminal and convicted people. The alleged criminal and convicted people who are released in one year and convicted people who are given execution in house according to public punishment and risk groups are pursued with electronic bracelet. It is made plans via determining the situation of risk with the help of asking various questions about alleged criminal and convicted people who consult are directorship in Assessment Planning Office.Two different education activities on different dates are planned within the scope of the project in Holland, where host organization located. There will be 13 participants. In the first mobility there will be 7, in the second mobility there will be 6 participants. The duration of the activiteis will 10 days.
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