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Electrons libres et l'infiniment petit
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The abilities, in an area where development is fast, cannot be based on the study of the technical object as an end in itself, but on an analysis of current devices, designed as a support to develop the learning methodology. Under these conditions, the electronics must be able to evolve with the technologies of tomorrow and solve new problems that arise. More than any other field, electronics requires a constant effort to update, and adaptation to technological change has become an inevitable competence in a continuously changing world. Regarding training on micro-techniques, it is only organized in the French Community of Belgium and only at the level of secondary education at the IATA in Namur. There is no higher education in these areas. The Microtechnology belongs to the family of mechanical and electronic engineering, specializing in the work of both small volume and high precision. The world today faces a generalized miniaturization and has naturally contributed to its development (areas of the toy industry, surgery, medical aids, cameras, communications, aviation and aerospace, medical technology...). Those technologies are indispensable today and will become even more tomorrow. They are an essential chance for the industrial restructuring of Wallonia. For the IATA of Namur and the Athénée Royal of Hannut, this project is consistent with those previously carried: the Lycée de la Baronnerie at Angers (France) for IATA, and for the Athénée Royal de Hannut a new partener this year: the Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti (Islande). About fifty students will participate to this project. Those young beneficiaries are enrolled in the final year of the 3rd degree of vocational training, final phase of their initial training. At the end of the school year, they will receive a Certificat de Qualification (CQ). The consortium, including the CCGPE-CGEO, will be followed by the Mobility Cell until the end of the project. It has now chosen the learning outcomes to be acquired by students during the course. Together, the partners will ensure the development of specific training objectives and their evaluation through preliminary meetings between sending partner and during the preparatory visit to the host partner (or by e-mail exchanges). Preparing young people will be organized by the sending partner. The achievement of training will benefit of the presence of accompaniers sent by the sending partners, which will liaise between the young people and the host partner. They will ensure the course evaluation, the learning outcomes evaluation (based on documents previously prepared) and the integration of the results in the Belgian curriculum of each beneficiary. The final report will be prepared under the supervision of the Mobility Cell. The presentation to the recipients of the Europass Mobility, the Europass Curriculum Vitae and the Language Passport will be done at an official ceremony organized by the CCGPE-DGEO. The results of this consortium will be integrated into all activities carried out under the supervision of the Mobility Cell and distributed by the CCGPE-DGEO towards national authorities. The impact of this project, for the students, will be to acquire abroad specific professional skills, which can be validated on site and integrated in the Belgian regular curriculum (acquisition of knowledge and skills). From the sending and the host partners point of view, this project will promote an exchange between European professionals assets in the same area of training and an experience in a modular qualification, focused on one or more learning outcomes in the context of the implementation of the qualification by units (CPU) in the French Community of Belgium and of the system ECVET in the EU. This project will focus on the need to integrate, in a sustainable way, the dimension of European mobility in the latter part of the vocational initial training and will raise awareness of the implementation of the ECVET system. At the regional level (French Community), these mobilities achieved within consortia coordinated by the CCGPE-DGEO will be integrated into further activities or projects undertaken by the CCGPE-DGEO (notably with the ESF) to strengthen the implementation of the qualification by units within the vocational education and training, in relation to the ECVET system.

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