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eLEANOR, e-LEArning and inNOvation in vocational training for wateR industries

eLEANOR is an initiative dealing with vocational training for professionals of EU water industry and services in private and public sectors.The project aims at improving the training in the water sector through the optimisation and standardisation of the learning processes and pathways, also with the help of e-learning facilities and transfer of Good Practice. eLEANOR is also performed in compliance with the European Credit System For Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) contributing also to its testing.Learning pathways, addressed to the technicians, engineers and managers of the water sector, are deployed answering the needs of the professionals and through the experiences of the partners, consisting in the main EU water companies,academies and vocational training centres, representing the most important eLEANOR target users.The subject of the training is strictly connected to the new EU context where the water industry has to comply with Directives providing a common framework for the stewardship of the environment as well as social considerations. The Directives aim to improve the quality of the environment, protect human health, rationally use natural resources and promote measures at international level to deal with environmental problems. The implementation of the new legal framework, above all the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), is a challenge for the water industry. Nevertheless, the identified shortcomings related to training and skill of personnel can hamper such an implementation. eLEANOR focuses on: (1) waste water treatment, (2) water supply, (3) storm water management, reflecting the main demands of skills by EU Directives above.eLEANOR European dimension is assured by the geographic extension of the partnership and their participation into networks, groups and platforms in the specific sector. Project outcomes are then proposed by the partners to potential end users through their dissemination channels in order to be validated and exploited according to a valorisation plan.eLEANOR expected impact is at the European scale. The coverage of the project allows an effective and mutual transfer of knowledge and to cross-relate different situations. The products are then able to work in different contexts and support as well the process of training standardization and certified comparison in this field that is one challenge of training at the EU level.
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6 Partners Participants