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ElDeRly-friEndly Alarm handling and MonitorING (Dreaming)
Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Europe the ageing of the population, a common trend in most industrialised countries, is expected to further accelerate in the next decades.DREAMING intends to pilot new, economically sustainable home assistance and eInclusion services able to extend the independent living of elderly citizens in their homes and break their loneliness. The system guarantees to elders health and safety monitoring and assistance in their homes through a privacy respecting and user-friendly technology (health and environmental sensors, TV based videoconferencing).Alarm and alerts are received and handled by a Contact Centre or by health and social professionals on duty, supported by a powerful DSS, which selects the most suitable action and possibly dispatch the appropriate resources (fire brigade, ambulance, GP on duty, nurse, social worker, etc.).The DREAMING solution will be piloted in Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden. The pilots are aimed at verifying the impact of the service on the quality of life of elderly people, their formal and informal caregivers and their relatives, on economic and clinical indicators, its financial sustainability and the satisfaction of users. This will help to refine the DREAMING business case in view of a large-scale deployment.DREAMING is based on state-of-the-art technologies which are available off the shelf. This allows a fast set-up of the pilot sites and enables trials long enough (30 months) to gather sufficient experimental data to strengthen the business case and plan the subsequent deployment phase.Thanks to DREAMING it will be possible extending the independent living span of elders while reducing the overall cost of assisting them. Savings so obtained will allow in turn to extend the DREAMING coverage and benefits to an increasing number of elders and to address the issue of the ageing population in a socially acceptable and financially sustainable manner.

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