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Elder Care at Home
Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Policy reforms and precaution determined by countries with Employment and Social Reform Programme (ESRP) social inclusion and social protection policies distinguishes. As part of new approaches which enlarge the scope and priorities of the Europe Social Inclusion Strategies, with given weight to social protection the Strategy started to be called “Europe Social Protection and Social Inclusion. With the new approaches of the Strategy especially the two field became prominent in the social protection field: • Retired pays • Health and long term care facilities The general purpose of the II.Chance projects in which the target group of the Project the caregivers who are in charge of elder or disabled care at home with low socio-economical status, is to contribute Europe Social Protection and Social Inclusion Strategies. The special purpose of the Project is, from point of view of the target group the determination of the present dimension of the social exclusion, the consideration of the diffuculties of social inclusion in short and long term,the development of the effective struggle with poverty and social exclusion in terms of integrated national strategies, the development of social statistics systems and to support the adoption of the common AB indicators related with social exclusion in EU member and candidate countries. The target group of our Project is the informal caregivers who are in cahrge of elder care at home. Most of the carers are not aware that this is really a hard work and most of them think that it is just meeting the basic needs like eating, having bathed and etc. But it is far deeper than all these basic needs. The main objectives of project is enhancing the quality and relevance of the home care by developing new and innovative approaches and supporting the dissemination of best pratices and promoting take up of innovative practices in training the home care companions by supporting personalised learning approaches. It is a common view that the elder care only contains the phsical care . In our project the care has been taken into consideration in different approaches . The different approaches contains the health , physical conditions,emotions,religion values,social life. The project will start with the search which each country will do about the national policies and the existing implementations. A survey will be done in each partner countries and according to the survey the incomplete parts and the best practices will all be pointed. As a result of the survey and the beginning analyses the training kits will be prepared for both the trainers groups and the traineees ( the caregivers ) The training will be both theorotical and practical . The training kits will contain managing the health, managing the physical conditions, managing the emotions, managing the religion values, managing the social life. The outputs of the project will be published as a booklet and will be delivered to all the partner countries. Our partners are a university from Poland, a municipality and private sector from Italy, Governorship, municipality and directorate of family and social policies and other public sector from Turkey. We will give education to 300 informal caregivers who are in charge of elder care at home in 3 countries with 30 trainer with our project. Under all the above the caregivers will benefıt as below ; -The role of the caregivers will be defined as a part of the healthcare system. - The caregivers will navigate the health and the social system so they can help care recipients get the appropriate level of care by the appropriate providers as smoothly as possile . -Wıthın this project the caregivers will get free and confidential information throug interactive learning sessions. -The caregivers will enable to balance personal and social life with care responsibilties.
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4 Partners Participants