Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For 15 year now, our High School has been sending some pupils abroad for a training period. At the beginning, it was an exchange, then thanks to European financial helps (Comenius, Leonardo, FSE...) Our project aimed at bettering their English level and giving them more chance to succeed in their studies and their professional integration. This training has different professional objectives which are described below. These students are 6 girls an 4 boys who have known some difficulties during their schooling (primary & secondary school) and have sometimes not choosen their current studies. They are remotivated by their team of teachers and most of them want to continue their studies, even with a master degree. This European section could allow them to fulfill their wishes. Here are some of the activities that can be assessed during this training : Professional behaviour : . Adapting to work methods, . organizing one's work, . respecting confidentiality rules, . taking initiatives, . adapting to a work team. -Using communication tools : . Dealing with external and internal calls, . receiving messages with or without an attached-file, . Searching for information, Dealing with external and internal communication : . Establishing a successful communication, . Adapting to a work environnement, . Participating to the valorizing of the Company's image. But on top of these activities, other points deserve to be mentionned as they have a positive impact on these EUROPEAN SECTION students. This professional experience abroad : - allows our students to develop other skills, especially inter-personal skills, - helps them to increase self confidence, independance, sense of responsibilities, maturity and solidarity, - eases their relations with their own families, as they often leave them for the first time to do this training abroad, - motivates some of them in order to find a job in another European country later on, - helps them to get involved in their studies again and to consider integrating a business school or passing a vocational training certificate, All of them come from families kwowing difficulties and wouldn't have been able to consider such opportunities without this European project. This experience allows them to consider their future on a more optimistic basis. Our High School is particularly proud to offer our students the opportunity to develop their professional and linguistic skills through this unique experience, all the more as they have known schooling difficulties before and therefore to show other students that it is possible to open one's mind, to live positive experiences and to discover that studies can lead to success.
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