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Elaborador de Productos Alimenticios Prácticas en Europa 2016
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational training is improving a lot in the last few years. It has become a practical education, specialized, adapting to new changes and developments and, above all, maintaining a strong link with the business world. It is therefore essential to develop quality training that offers an internship in companies to get comprehensive training of students, including not only the theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom, but also how to develop them in real life, and which serves as a training and practice to enterthe labour market with a minimum of experience. On the other hand, if the acquisition of knowledge through the practice takes place in an European framework we are helping the students with their social and professional integration also involves learning the language of the host country.In this context, our education center considers a priority the orientation towards the labour market of the students, particularly to a group of 4 sudents of Medium Grade Vocational Training for Technician of Food Products, who are currently studying the First Year.Our proposal is mainly based on the needs of the students and skills shown at school, needs as contacts with the social and business world, knowing the organization within a workplace and know and feel how it works, to learn things that are not learnt in the classroom, meet equipment that is difficult to have in a common school, gain confidence in themselves as a professional in any European context, besides being able to implement the things learned in a shelter having adequate and appropiate performance characteristics for their work.We believe therefore that the main objective is to develop the participants' professional competence and acquire an identity and maturity that will facilitate their future employability. As to the results they believe will be positive, since the participating students will have the opportunity to meet other European countries, their cities, people, customs and ways of organization in order to communicate in other languages, mainly improving their language skills and enhancing their self-esteem and meet other social reality. The mobility of our proposal will be held in April-May 2017, with the management team of the school and the department of food industries responsible for developing the practical and logistical aspects of the project with the same intermediary partner, making arrangements with host partners and learning agreements with participants. The contributions of the participants will be taken into account and the pedagogical, cultural and linguistic preparation is carried out before performing the mobility.The Sierra de Montanchez Secondary School will carry out the organizational tasks given before, during and after the stay in close collaboration with the intermediary partner and host institutions through the project coordinator and the tutor and collaborate with partners in monitoring participants during the stay.The project will have an impact on participants to improve their professional skills and a better assessment of these, as well as our organization, acquiring an image enhancement and internal quality of the institution, expecting a better assessment of students, which will impact a long-term improvement in the quality of workers in nearby businesses.
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