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El Príncipe en Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PROJECT CONTEXT. The IES Prince Felipe is a centre in the north of Madrid , that offers Secondary , Bachillerato (A-levels) (16-18) and VET (High and medium level) . One of the objectives of the centre is to give all its students the opportunity to experience mobility in Europe, seeking to promote social cohesion and active citizenship. This project is directed at VET students and teachers. Through it, we seek to achieve the aims of the centre and improve the appeal and quality of VET. PARTICIPANTS AND ACTIVITIES Students: We provide 5 VET courses LABORATORIO DE IMAGEN. ESTÉTICA PERSONAL DECORATIVA (1 year+FCT) PELUQUERÍA Y COSMÉTICA CAPILAR, INST ELECTRICAS y ATENCIÓN A PERSONAS DEPENDIENTES (2 years +FCT) . We propose, on the basis of the demand, the following students mobilities: 8 LABORATORIO and 6 ESTÉTICA (two flows), 4 ATENCIÓN, 3 PELUQUERÍA and 2 ELECTRICIDAD, 23 in total. 10% of our students are in second year VET each course. The students in these courses have finished the compulsory secondary education or PCPI programme. They are between 17 and 25 years old, mostly dependent on their families and have had little or no experience outside their city. They have few economic resources. They will be accompanied by their tutors in the first week. At VET courses there is a module of Training at Work that takes place in companies at the end of their final course. We propose that these students do their work experience, 5 weeks long, in companies in Italy and France. Before the students leave, they will receive a cultural and linguistic online preparation in Spain, through moodle classes, meetings with their tutors, a course in CCIS and French lessons at the IES. It involves the following MOBILITIES: November-December 2015 and 2016: 7 students. 4 LABORATORIO DE IMAGEN and 3 ESTÉTICA PERSONAL in companies in Italy each course. May-June 2016: 7 students. 3 PELUQUERÍA , 2 INST ELECTRICAS and 3 ATENCIÓN A PERSONAS. In companies in Italy May-June 2016: 2 students of ATENCIÓN A PERSONAS DEPENDIENTES. In companies in France The TEACHER MOBILITY is focused towards Job Shadowing at VET Schools. The teachers need to update their teaching methods and to increase their knowledge about their respective professions in Europe. We propose mobility for 6 VET teachers, one from each department, including English and FOL. We think that this grouping will make the exchange easier. 1st FLOW: TECHNICAL COLLEGE REYKJAVÍK (TÆKNISKÓLINN), Iceland. 6 mobilities , in April-June 2016. 2nd FLOW: LICEUL TEHNOLOGIC DE ELECTROTEHNICA SI TELECOMUNICATII, Romania. 6 mobilities, in April-May 2017. METHODOLOGY: Our methodology is based on the work group ERASMUS + formed by VET tutors, the VET Deputy Head and the project coordinator. The group has weekly meetings and guarantees both the sustainability of the project and the commitment of all the Professional Families; it selects the students, supervises the work placements, evaluates and certifies the training period. It promotes the project throughout the entire process. The responsibility of the project belongs to this group, counting on the collaboration of different AGENTS: CCIS / LYCEE GABRIEL PERI: supports the selection of companies and students, facilitates the communication between the school and the companies and is responsible for the cultural preparation. Cooperates in organizing the trip. VET CENTRES AND COMPANIES FROM DIFFERENT SECTORS: they agree with the training programme, collaborate on the administration, they designate a number of teachers in charge or a tutor of the company; collaborate on the assessment of the participants and on the dissemination of the project. PARTICIPANTS they engage and participate actively in the process , are in charge of the organizational aspects of the trip that we have detailed, carry out the appropriate linguistic preparation , take responsibility on their training place, integrate on the the social life of the destination city. EXPECTED RESULTS AND IMPACT We hope that cooperation between all those involved will allow a quality job, that will provide formative and employment opportunities, will contribute to spread our profiles and consolidate VET motilities. - To carry out the a module of Training at Work, acquiring the necessary learning outcomes to obtain the final Certificate. - To improve the professional, personal and linguistic skills of the participants. - To make the participants real European citizens - To increase their chances of employment -To improve the teaching methodology in VET, increasing the relationships with European companies LONG TERM BENEFITS. - To consolidate the mobility of students and teachers of VET - To integrate us in a network of centres and European companies - To advance in the aim to internationalize the centre - To get involved in partnership projects with schools and enterprises.

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