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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school is located in the University District of Valencia, it has about 400 students and 47 teachers, of whom three work part-time and ten are provisional, leaving us with a stable workforce of 34 this year. We offer compulsory and post-compulsory secondary education, with bachelor of science and technology, humanities and social sciences. Worth mentioning is our special programs, namely: Curricular Diversification Program (4th ESO) to increase the number of students who get his school certificate; School Accompaniment Program in the first cycle of ESO to reduce early school leaving; Good Teaching Practices Program: Musical Reading; Timetable Coordination Program with the Professional Conservatory Of Dance of Valencia; School-hours Expansion Program for Students with High Ability and Motivation (we develope the digital magazine of the school which brings students of all levels; it is after school hours); Workshop on Economy and Entrepreneurship; Educational Robotics Workshop which helps us participate in projects of the Polytechnic University of Valencia; among others. The school has a number of areas for improvement that can be summarized in the need to improve school management; the need to improve the Transition Plan from Primary to Secondary education to reduce the school dropout rate and improve their academic performance; the need to reinforce the profile of teachers (language competence, CLIL methodology, other innovative methodologies) and in particular the need to internationalize the school. For all this needs, and within the Programa Anual de Formación (PAF; Annual Teacher Training Program) and with the advice of the Centro de Formación, Innovación y Recursos Educativos del Profesorado (CEFIRE; Training, Innovation and Education Resources Center for Teachers) we have initiated two major projects: center management and internationalization. Incardinated these two objectives is to reduce early school leaving, academic improvement, CLIL methodology and language skills of teachers and students. Basically the scheduled activities consist on Periods of Observation of Good Practice (Jobshadowing) that serve to observe and learn about systems of organization and management of schools that are innovative, efficient and likely to be implemented in our institution. We hope to learn about models of more autonomous and effective management. We will also observe the treatment of Transition from Primary to Secondary and we are very interested in reducing early school dropout rate and increasing the number of students who successfully complete their studies. We also seek to study innovative methodologies related to learning music, economics and entrepreneurship, as well as foreign languages. We are interested in role models both with respect to learning, as when it comes to working in different non-language subjects integrating a foreign language, mostly English and French, since a short-term goal is to introduce some didactic unit using CLIL methodology nad as a long-term goal a complete implementation in some areas. The other block of training actions are structured courses to learn foreign languages in order to increase the number of teachers who possess the language proficiency level B2 and its corresponding specific training course. Also, there are courses on innovative methodology for teachers who want to improve their teaching skills and use of ICT. The courses for members of the management team will serve to learn new techniques and new ways of managing the school. The group of teachers who participate in the formation project will conform, coordinated by the management team, a group of project managers who will organize activities and manage the process. The results and impact we expect in the center can be summarized in a skilling of teachers (methodological and curricular competence, competence to deal with diversity, competence to use new technologies, competition, teamwork and participation in school management, be competent to know how to be a teacher and ensure success and competence to manage their work and make decisions for improvement), to establish forms of collaborative work with our partners (mainly through the etwinning platform) to expand the possibilities of opening our center to Europe and the world (Internationalization Plan) and improve academic outcomes. In the years following this training we must be able to organize and manage the center in a more effective way to increase our students' language proficiency in foreign languages, to improve educational outcomes and reduce school failure.

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