European Projects
El IES Miravent e Isla Cristina se desarrollan en ..
El IES Miravent e Isla Cristina se desarrollan en Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2015,
End date: May 31, 2017
Our Institution, "Padre José Miravent Secondary School", is located in Isla Cristina, Huelva, Andalusia (Spain). It is a public school with 80 teachers and 1100 students.
Due to wide variety of courses in our school offer: compulsory secondary education, upper secondariy, vocational training and adult learning in blended modalities, we think that such activities could have a major impact on the students, so designing our EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENT PLAN It became our priority.
The plan revolves around our major NEEDS: promote the European dimension of our center and contribute to teacher training around three fundamental axes (language training in English and French, integration of ICT as new technologies in the teaching practice, improving coexistence and developing it with new methodological strategies)
These needs connected with European priorities affecting strengthen the professional profile of teachers, as well as improving the skills of young people, especially those at risk of school leaving and few basic skills.
We propose the following OBJECTIVES: promote the exchange of experiences and cooperation with other education professionals at national and international level, contributing to the creation of a European identity, improving communication skills in English and French teachers, acquire new methodological strategies for teaching English and French, encourage the use of ICT, deepening the integrated language and mathematics curriculum developing an improved overall coexistence in our center, promote innovative teaching practices and disseminate good practice at through blogs, Etwinning, etc.
To reach them, we have designed a series of training ACTIVITIES, with the participation of several professors at Institutions of the European Education Space.
We´ll follow an intensive course for management teams. It will serve to promote the internationalization of the Institution, learning from different educational systems, strategies that promote work in international contexts and sharing of best educational practices within the European framework. It will be made by a member of the Management Team.
The other activities being planned: two courses on the teaching of English and French as a second language, a course on the application of new technologies in teaching mathematics, a course of ICT and introduction of technological innovations in the classroom, three courses on different techniques for improving the coexistence and preventing early school leaving (meditation techniques in the classroom, strategies to experience school as a rewarding experience, outdoor teaching as an educational resource).
The Institutions which prepare the training courses selected by the teachers are accredited by the different inspection and certification departments such as EAQUALS, British Council, and so on, so the quality of the training courses is guaranteed.
We hope these activities will have as an OUTCOME: to encourage the exchange of culture and ideas; to share objectives; to improve linguistic competences; to work with other European counterparts from whom we can learn new teaching-and-learning methods and to develop collaborative educational practices among professionals and Institutions from all across Europe.
We hope that after finishing the teachers’ mobility the IMPACT will be seen through:
• Improvement in the professional competences of the participants: development of new technologies and materials, ICT resources and the use of learned best practice.
• Development of new methods and strategies to improve the students’ basic competences.
• Improvement of the pedagogical strategies to avoid school leaving at any level and to facilitate the entrance of young people into the workforce.
• Improvement in foreign language competences.
• Broader understanding of education systems different from ours.
• Internationalisation of the school to foster students’ mobility.
• Development of E-Twinning projects.
The MOST SIGNIFICANT LONG-TERM BENEFIT will be to realise that collaboration within the world of education will promote the awareness and the feeling of belonging to Europe.