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" El camino hacia la personalización del aprendizaje en el siglo XXI "
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In CPI O Cruce we have designed a comprehensive and sustainable plan for the whole school in order to promote innovation, creativity and efficiency in the use of ICT in education but also centred learning aproaches, communicaion and entrepreneurship in order to offer our students a quality education according to the needs of students of the XXI century. Our project emphasizes the digital teaching skills and continuing professional development of teachers. We intend systematic and critical reflection on teaching, creating conditions and opening new learning opportunities offered by ICT. The management team and faculty have an active role: provide a strategic vision that promotes the transformation of the center into learning communities connected with other centers, universities, Ministries of Education for teachers to acquire new skills and innovative approaches to teaching. Leadership is accompanied by organizational changes and development plans at the center itself.Aims:1. Build up a framework in order teachers acqire the needed competences 2. Students acquire competences needed for future studies personal development and active European cityzenship3. Promote the development, testing and implementation of innovative practices in the field of education4. Draw up a guide for teachers in order to disseminate and exploit project results.In order to reach the objectives we'll do the following activities:We'll do a needs analysis, we'll organize a worshops with teachers in order they acquired the competences and keep update. Experienced teachers will teach other teachers. Teachers participating in the training abroad will work close with other teachers to them all acquired the necessary skills.Teachers will desigh learning practices that will be published in the project websiteTeachers will collaborate in writing a guide in order to disseminate project results and help other teachres and schools. The guide will be also published in the project websiteProject outcomes:Needs Analisys ReportWebsite and platformWorkshops/trainningLearning practices in different subjects and toolsGuide for teachersProject report
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