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Εκπαίδευση στην Εγκατάσταση και Συντήρηση Φωτοβολταϊκών Συστημάτων
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The content of training is 'Education in the Installation and Maintenance of Photovoltaic Systems ". Photovoltaic systems are a promising technology capable of providing solutions to two major problems of modern society. These are the deficit of energy sources for the needs of the world population and the environmental issue that has arisen from the abuse of natural resources by humans. Harnessing the "inexhaustible" energy of the sun with the use of photovoltaic cells can replace the production of electricity from fossil fuels. The PV installation is supported by the European policy and national legal framework in most Member States. The booming market creates the need for a large number of specialized techniques to ensure safe and efficient operation of the systems. Meanwhile, investors seeking quality at all stages of a photovoltaic project (design, installation, maintenance) and assurance of professional competence of installers. The Educational NEEDS of Members of the Association, which are directly related and relevant to the needs of the labor market, focus on the following: • acquaintance with the various types of photovoltaic systems • Knowledge of the installation and operation of photovoltaic systems • knowledge of the products of a photovoltaic system • capacity to handle out all necessary installation of a photovoltaic system • transfer knowledge to their workers, • creating sufficient capacity certified installers. Through the implementation of the project beneficiaries are going to gain valuable experience and important skills, which are expected to contribute to the development of their employability and to convey their knowledge to their workers. Expected outcomes for participants, is to: • Know the differences between different types of photovoltaic systems : monocrystalline, polycrystalline , thin film, hybrid and other, • know the principle of operation of PV systems, • know the function - installation of systems, • know the function - installation of autonomous systems, • know the products of a photovoltaic system ( solar panels, inverters, network mounts , charge controllers , batteries), • install solar panels, by handling all tasks (Development of Investment, Study shading - dimensioning project, geotechnical study, Enclosure, Materials Supply, Laying foundations - photovoltaic panels, Alarm - Lighting, Electrical installation work, Staff Training, Monitoring - Measurements, Final Online work with the existing operating network equipment maintenance work and check its performance). The total project duration is two weeks (14 days), the flow would involve 22 beneficiaries going in SPAIN. More specifically, the flow is designed to be held from 01/10/2014 until 14/10/2014. The host organization (AEMEFISA) selected has extensive experience and expertise in relation to mobility and adult education. Thus, exploring the state of business in the competitive environment, the specific needs of the local labor market but also in accordance with the business of design, the association chose to support at this stage entrepreneurs and business executives responsible human resources in order to become more competitive, to know new methods of production and organization of their work and to scale up their skills. Under this strategy the main objective of the project is to provide training programs to selected foreign institutions, so managers and HR development belonging to the above undertakings, will acquire new knowledge of and skills that will open up new perspectives on their business. This action will have benefits for both participants, as it will provide the framework for future cooperation and networking, and for stakeholders who will confirm earlier cooperation in European programs. This adds value to the task because it creates an environment where, apart from the development of skills and acquisition of new knowledge for beneficiaries it promotes a European environment of collaborations between partners, with a positive impact on the profile of each participant in the project organization. The Association has developed specific management practices and implementation of the project to comprehensively monitor the overall project. The purpose of this mechanism is the correct completion of the project in accordance with the restrictions and specifications required.
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