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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The first effort of our school to implement a European mobility program was enormously successful as evidenced, among other things, by the lively desire of the entire school community, students and teachers, to repeat such an effort. So we arrived at this point to implement this plan, aiming that more and more of our members will benefit from its advantages. For the implementation of this proposal a group of teachers was created which, with the collaboration of all of us, ended up in the teaching subjects of the program. Then through the contacts we had as a school through the etwinning network and with internet research we sent requests for cooperation to foreign institutions and ended up selecting Spain and Lithuania as host countries. Countries close enough to our own reality but with developed the field of internet services and e-commerce . The program responded to our students' needs, but also to their existing knowledge. It even linked the analytical programs of different specialities since the training in new technologies applications equips students with the necessary skills to deal with the technological environment they will encounter in a business of any size . The overall objective of the proposed project was to familiarize participants with the basic principles of the environment, that has been created through the new technologies and the acquisition of specialized knowledge in the use of ERP systems and data management aiming at the promotion of the commercial activities of a business. The specific objectives were: - The upgrading of knowledge and skills of our students - The development of language and intercultural skills . - The promotion of the extroversion of our students and our school - The development of positive attitudes towards the use of new technologies as business tools - The creation of partnerships with different educational systems In this mobility have participated 30 students with 4 accompanying teachers in two flows. The groups per flow consisted of boys and girls. Priority was given to the undergraduates, while all participants have knowledge in using new technologies and speak at least basic English. The program implemented, as far as the theoretical part is concerned, at the hosts' facilities while the practical part took place in relevant to the subject of training firms selected by the host institutions in cooperation with our school, the sending institution of the program, and in accordance with the curriculum agreed . Expected results : • the upgrading of the participants' knowledge and skills • the enhancement of the self-esteem of the students • the acquisition of European identity • the adoption and dissemination of the results and good practices from our school • the linking of vocational education and training with labor market • the increase of the degree of openness and European profile of our organization This program comes to cover modern objects that are not taught in the formal educational system. The majority of businesses operating on the internet implement such systems and staffing needs with qualified employees arise constantly. In our country this need appears with some delay. That's why the expected impact of our program in the acquisition of such skills is great. The further strengthening of the provision of transverse skills that enhance their employability, such as business initiative, digital skills and foreign language learning are key components of the impact to the participants.

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