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Ekonomik zdobywa doświadczenia zawodowe w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Beneficiary of the project was Technical Economic in Upper Secondary School named Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski in Sandomierz. They are students who are in the initial stage of vocational education at the age of 17-19 and who are trained to achieve economic profession. The aim of this project was to gain new vocational skills by students. During the training practice students got to know the organizational structure of commercial enterprise and modern accounting programmes in a small firm. At the same time we wanted our students to confront the Polish system of vocational education with the English one and broaden the knowledge of job market and enterprise and also to improve their foreign language competences. Taking part in this project gave them a chance to get to know the economic conditions of the partnership country and also increased their abilities to cope and exist in new, unknown surroundings. After the initial preparatory course organized by PZSE named E.Kwiatkowski in Sandomierz, we sent three groups of students, 16 students in each group with two guardian teachers for a three-week vocational training practice in Great Britain. The training practice consisted of two modules ; training in accounting companies and also the course of the British accounting, where the objective was to operate financial and accounting programmes in a small company. The basic purpose of the training practice was to check their practical knowledge and skills gained during their education at school , in vocational lessons and to get to know the environment of vocational economist , the work environment in another country and willingness to cooperate in the future, support the abilities to adapt and make students sensitive and aware of mental and cultural differences. The additional purpose , still of great importance, coming from the fact that this training practice took place in Great Britain, there was comparison of introduction and doing expenses of small companies by accounting offices, which were visited by our students. The aim of this internship was to see the differences between the Polish and English accountancy connected with specific documents. The Beneficiaries were able to draw conclusions about companies functioning in Poland and in Great Britain. Another aim was to get to know vocational vocabulary. Additional value was getting to know the British culture and customs by students. Technical Economic in Upper Secondary School named E. Kwiatkowski in Sandomierz and its foreign partner did all the responsibilities so that the training practice could be successful and work according to its schedule. Participants of the training practice , thanks to these gained skills, were valuable workers in the field of accountancy. On the basis of our local employer analysis , we can say that the key competences which are required from future workers are: -having high practical knowledge in operating financial and accounting programmes -having vocational work placement in a company using financial and accounting programmes -being fluent in at least one foreign language ; general language and vocational language knowledge Students who graduate school , and they took part in this foreign work placement, we can regard them as very suitable on the job market. It is connected with little work experience of young workers coming into the job market and lack of funds for vocational education and creating and setting up their own business. Employers demand vocational experience in the field of accountancy , therefore, it is significant to reinforce practical education during school education and make use of the European funds dedicated to lifelong education. That is why, a good solution is to take part in the project of Erazmus plus. In addition, students acquire prestige , which is a positive and added value and the chances of a graduate increase as far as getting a job is concerned, because expectations of a potential employer are met to a bigger extent. There are also many other chances such as: -European measure of oneself education -ability to communicate in a foreign vocational language -Europass Mobility certificate Taking part in this project , to a certain extent made better the situation of a young worker on the job market and increased his chances for employment.

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