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Ekonomická praxe v Londýně
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Economic practice in London is a VET project expanding the former project with the title Gaining vocational work experience in the European labour market. The aim of the project is two-week long working experience of students involved in initial vocational training, in particular ten students of secondary vocational school and ten students of higher professional school in Příbram. Thanks to the partner organization ADC College, the training will be arranged in economic entities in London, which cooperate with ADC on the long-term basis. The mobility will be realised during the regular practice of our students – in February 2015 and May/June 2015. The main objective of the project is gaining vocational experience, development of language, social and cultural skills of participants and encouraging of their awareness about the European Union and integration into the European labour market. The results of this project will include acquiring and deepening of skills in administration, especially computer work, and paper work, secretarial work, administration, execution of inquiries and orders, work in stock, learning about the firm structure and its departments and products. After the training, the students of the tertiary school will compile a presentation about their experience, which is a condition for gaining credit in the subject vocational training. The students of the secondary school will process a power-point presentation, which will be presented to their schoolmates and to the public at the open-door-day. English is an international language and its developing will help students to better competitiveness, for that reason we have chosen Great Britain to be the place of our training experience. Long term benefits of our project include smother integration of our students into the labour market and better chances for a prestigious job.
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