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Eкологична и икономическа ефективност на финасовия мениджмънт в бизнеса
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of Private Trade School - Varna "Ecological and cost-efficiency of financial management in business” is aimed at 12 students from X - XII grade students, majoring in the specialty "Banking", a third qualification degree, as to acquire knowledge, skills and form new behavioral approach in managing the processes of financial management in order to reduce damaging and utilization of natural resources and promote the implementation of environmentally friendly and financial solutions for cost-efficiency in financial institutions and businesses.The project includes mobility training and practice of students provided by the partner "MAD for EUROPE" in Spain, as well as work placements in 10 financial institutions in Madrid. The visit in a country, such as Spain with traditions in finances and banking, is carried out in the period 27.03.2017 - 10.04.2017, and includes work in a real working environment: SANTANDER PRIVATE BANKING; BANKINTER COMMERCIAL; LA CAIXA SAVING BANK; CONFEDERACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE CAJAS DE AHORROS (Spanish Confederation of Saving Banks); MAPFRE Spanish Insurance Company; MUTUA MADRILEÑA Madrilenian Insurance Company; SANITAS Health and Medical Insurance; IBERDROLA Electricity Financial Management; AECOM Water and Sanitation Financial Management; MCKINSEY SPAIN Financial Management of Telecommunications, Energy and Consumer Sectors.The partnership between Private Trade School Varna and the Spanish organization "MAD for Europe" provides a presentation of the Spanish experience in the field of financial management, implementation of specialized models for risk assessment in the financial economic sector, managerial styles of behavior and decision-making, implementation methods solutions for anti-crisis management, recruitment and career development of financial staff. The students will learn how to work with documentation at a financial institution dealing with the banking, insurance or outsourcing activities in these areas - experience which they will transfer to the current Bulgarian economy.The students need this mobility to develop further as professionals, to observe innovative financial management models and approaches for measurement of the efficiency in business. They are motivated to work in this field and the knowledge obtained from Spain is a very important part from their preparation for working in international teams. The strategic objective of the project is to create individuals with knowledge, skills and original ideas who can apply the experience gained through the mobility and get professional realization as young managers in financial firms by remaining to live and work in Bulgaria, engaged in branches of European banks and contribute to the development of the regional economy.The implementation of the project activities respects the principles of transparency, clarity and documentation of the results. The project quality is measured according to the tasks performed in the preparation phase, during the mobility in Madrid and the concluding final activities, which will be heavily supported by the Commerce and Industry Chamber of Varna. The beneficiaries will receive the Europass and 3-37 (Certificate of Education) certificates, which increase their value as employees and gives them the chance for career development in the financial sector of the economy.The methodology of managing the project activities includes responsible planning, time/quality/communication and risk management, based on the experience of the two partner organizations, proper planning of resources and effective system for monitoring and reporting of the activities according to the rules and requirements of the "Erasmus +" program.The dissemination plan includes the promotion of the financial support of the "Erasmus +" program through the means of the organization of popularization events at the beginning and end of the project in front of representatives of teachers, economists, parents and businesses in the banking and financial sector in the Varna. The students also propose the creation of a Facebook page of the project in which they will present the mobility activities and promote the acquired knowledge gained in the banks in Madrid and tips how to avoid situations that were recently experienced by our banking system. This FB page as well as the creation of the regularly updated blog have the possibility to become an online place/hub for innovative financial approaches, where the patterns of eco - cost efficiency will be discussed and represent an interest not only to students in this field, but also to financial specialists from Varna. Thus, the project will widen the range of stakeholders and will be useful for many young people who want to help Bulgaria to develop and to progress in line with modern European practices..
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