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Eiropas labie piemēri mākslas un dizaina izglītībai Latvijā
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “European examples of good practices for art and design education in Latvia '' implies the practice of 12 learners of Rezekne Art and Design Secondary School equally at the educational institutions and enterprises in Bulgaria (the first group of school students with 1 accompanying person), ”shadowing”or observation in Italy implemented by 8 teachers from Latvia (the second group). The overall objective of the project -to develop the level of skills and competencies of cultural education in accordance with contemporary international standards, promoting Latgale region and the whole country's economic boom and offering innovative cultural products with European additional value to the market of creative industries.The project objectives are:1)develop and improve students’ skills, abilities and competencies in their chosen profession, acquiring international experience which could promote personal development, employment of young learners and would be a part of their successful integration into the labor market; 2)to promote professional development opportunities abroad for teaching staff and raise awareness about the education systems in Europe in order to develop new interdisciplinary educational programs which will be implemented into a newly established Rezekne Secondary School of Music, Art and Design. This will be helpful in providing successful educational process for the market of creative industries.Objectives of the project:-to provide information access to the teachers and learners of Rezekne Art and Design Secondary School on the project objectives, expected results, opportunities, offering them to participate in the selection of participants;-make qualitative preparation of project participants;-to provide practice opportunities for 12 students in Bulgaria (with 1 accompanying person);-to ensure international teacher exchange in Italy (work observation and exploration) for 8 educators of Rezekne Art and Design Secondary School; - evaluate and summarize the results of participants after the practice and teachers exchange programme, -present results of the project at the conference which will be devoted to the subject matter how to realize and sell different cultural products with added value in international markets;- to provide the results of the project to the media, upload them on website and partner sites.The project will be implemented from the 1 of June 2016 to the 31 of May 2017. For the first group the practice will last 20 days (additionally–2 days for travelling) and will be held at the National school of fine arts "Ilia Petrov" and School of Arts „Luca”, besides the Sofia art and contemporary art museums, Publicis MARC Group and the National Music Theatre will be visited as well. Young people will gain theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in drawing, painting and graphics using classic techniques as well as different possibilities provided by modern technologies. They will paint works of art, draw sketches using various computer programs and will learn about capabilities and design of art multimedia.The second group of participants will spend 8 days (plus 2 days for travelling). They will visit 4 Italian art and design schools: Instituto Europeo di Design, School Design, ISIA Rome and Fashion Design School, where great attention is paid to teaching Cultural Management, will observe and study the educational program of Cultural Management with work specialization in organization of exhibitions, cultural project management, public relation, cultural tourisma project participants will attend classes, will study learners’ attraction principles and labor market demand in order to introduce and implement a new educational program in their school by borrowing the best examples from Europe.During the project Rezekne Art and Design Secondary School will collaborate with two partners: ETN Bulgaria Gateway, which will provide practice in Bulgaria, at Sofia City Art schools and enterprises, PROMETEO -international teacher exchange in Italy.All members will improve foreign language skills and intercultural skills, they will gain better understanding of the European project and the values of the EU, self-expression and self-esteem will be developed as well, they will participate more actively in other activities, initiative of the participants will increase too. They will gain motivation for further education, focusing their attention to career opportunities. In addition, participants will familiarize themselves with cultural diversity, different cultures and traditions, art and design world. Participants of the project will be evaluated by the partners (they will receive certificates) as well as in Latvia. All project participants will receive the Europass Mobility document which will be issued by the project representatives. The project results will be disseminated not only at the local, regional, but also at national and international levels.

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