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Eiropa manai karjerai
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The strategic objective of the project is to provide attractive and purposeful career opportunities and a basis for teachers' professional development by the improvement of quality of the VET, raising attractiveness of VET; development of cooperation between vocational education institutions in Europe; through mutual learning; by encouraging cooperation between the social partners and industry representatives, and education and training providers. The specific objectives are to increase young people's basic skills and competencies, promote youth participation in democratic life in Europe and in the labor market, young people's active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity. To promote the improvement of the quality of youth work. Project emphasizes that young people enter the labor market with good professional skills. The project is expected to result in improved professional knowledge and skills of young people having ability to use it and to know-how to study, increased competitiveness and employment opportunities, developed entrepreneurship and leadership skills, develop cultural awareness, improved language skills and understanding of the values of the EU. During the project it is planned to carry out 24 students' mobility between countries in order to gain the widest possible experience of cultural diversity in Europe. Partners are selected from previously established cooperation with non-governmental organizations CHASE and AEHT; partners selected for the project are: Ester Mosessons Gymnasium Goteborg (SE), Ninukot (IS), I.P.S.A.R."Luigi Carnacina" (IT), City College Plymouth (UK) International Academy Tenerife (ES), Tartu profesionālās izglītības centrā (EE), The danish Meat Trade College (DK). Learners’ mobility is planned in 2 flows, one of which is 5 months, and involves participation of 14 fourth-year students, and the other - 5 weeks, with the participation of 10 third-year students. Mobility is proportionate to the duration, so that pupils have sufficient time to adapt in the host organization, experience culture and traditions and to have best practices at sector enterprises to develop their professional skills and competence. Purposes of the pedagogue mobility are related to professional activity, an innovative approach to teaching methodology, creativity and personal growth, in-depth understanding of the changing needs of the labor market and necessity of actualization for education programs. 12 teacher and teaching staff mobility is planned within the project; (length of each mobility is 7 days) 2 teachers Ninukot (IS), 4 teachers Tartu Vocational Education Centre (EE), 3 teachers Danish The Meat Trade College (DK) , 3 teachers IPSAR " Luigi Carnacina" (IT). The results of the project are immediate and long term. Immediate results are improved knowledge and skills of project participants, personal growth. Long-term results of the participants’ are future careers, quality of VET, supplying the labor market with qualified professionals. At the level of educational institutions international cooperation means successful attraction of new students, growing prestige of the school and hence the attractiveness of vocational education as a whole. Industry gains specialists with good professional knowledge, awareness of the sector development trends; with the ability to navigate in today's changing world, with the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them. Impact of the project is not only at the national level, person who has worked for a considerable period of time in another country, has not only gained from independent life, but also gains a new sense of belonging. Good language skills, understanding of other cultures allows to feel related to more than one country or one culture. Cooperation between the EU educational institutions contributes to the modernization and gives added value to the project participants. For the teachers it is awareness of the European dimension in vocational education, professional and personal growth, along with the ability to provide a better quality of education for their students. Tangible results are new teaching materials, innovative ideas that are being implemented curriculum updates. Educational institution benefits from motivated, open to change employees who bring their experience in the learning process, helps to develop a strategy for raising the quality of training, and promotes cooperation between VET participants, thereby contributing to the prestige of vocational education and creation of positive image of the school. The public benefits from the teachers who are able to contribute to improvement of education quality, content development, training of specialists according to the demands of labor market and society. Teachers who, by learning themselv
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7 Partners Participants