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Einstein da Bir Mülteciydi
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our country has been facing with one of the biggest movements of migration throughout its history. According to the data provided by The United Union Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in 2015- June, 1.805.255 Syrian refugees have found asylum in Turkey. Our city, Mersin has become the most affected city by this situation. According to the 2015 - December data, 16.967 refugee students receives education in our city. Some of the refugee students continue their education in temporary educational institutions while the others continue in public schools affiliated to our Directorate. The number of the refugees and their refuge time being more than predicted and the great uncertainty of the process entail focusing attention on the educational aspect of the problem. In this respect, the adaptation of the refugee students is of great importance. In addition, UNİCEF has observed that Turkish teachers are in need of having professional development and supplementary training including specialization on taking care of the kids exposed to violence and traumatized to be able to work with Syrian kids. Therefore our consortium members are chosen from the four districts where the refugee students are the densest. We generally aim the participants to get training oriented toward the adaptation of the refugee students to education with this project. So as to support this general goal of ours, we aim:Accelerating psychological adaptation, self-respect, sense of belonging, socio-cultural adaptation of refugee students and their academic achievementDecrease in negative situations that refugee students experience such as depression, anxiety, Contributing to the reduction of the social and cultural differences of refugee studentsPreventing the early school leaving of refugee students due to problemsPreventing the refugee students growing into a lost generationImproving the quality of the education through dissemination activities for the teachers in the city prepared by the participant teachers Helping the non-refugee students develop different approaches to accept refugee students and their cultural exchangeTransferring the good practice on adaptation of refugee students in Europe to our countryImproving the empathy skills of non-refugee studentsGiving participants the ability to applying new methods for refugee students Improving the language skills of the participantsRaising awareness of participants and students about the European Union and thus internationalizingCreating a society dominated by human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law, respect to people, pluralism, indiscrimination, justice, solidarity, equality of man and woman by transferring and applying the innovative approaches appropriate to European Strategic Corporation 2020 Objectives.In our project which includes 30 participants in total, it has been planned that 5 teachers who teach refugee students from each school and are chosen by the Participant Selection Commission -in total 20 teachers- are going to participate in a structured training course and 10 teachers chosen among the same teachers described above are going to do job-shadowing. 20 teachers chosen from the member schools of the consortium are going to participate in the structured 5-day-course in Spain that we have planned in the framework of European Mobility Plan. Moreover, within the same framework, 10 teachers chosen from the member schools of the consortium and meeting the criteria we have determined in advance are going to participate in the job-shadowing we have planned in Greece.Methods such as analyzing, observation, evaluation, practice, training and dissemination are going to be used for participants to be able to conduct studies helping improvement of their high level skills and use the knowledge they have learnt in real life. It is going to be ensured that refugee students and their parents adopt school not only as an academic environment, but also as a point of contact with the community as they adapt to the new environment, refugee and native students can receive education equally and the refugee kids who had to leave their territory because of the violence in their country become psychologically healthier individuals by rehabilitating them with a right approach. Mersin Provincial Directorate for National Education is responsible for the implementation and following of all official and unofficial educational services, has a vision of being a leading institution, is open to active share and works coordinately with the other institutions. Therefore, as a consequence of the attainments acquired from the training, our participants are going to achieve the proficiency required on the adaptation of the refugees to the education and thus, the results and outputs.
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