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Einblicke in die kaufmännische Berufswelt in Großbritannien, Frankreich und Spanien
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As the 31 participants were trainees at a vocational school it was very important to provide practical training in order to prepare them for a professional career. About 2/3 of them are studying full time, about 1/3 forms part of the German Dual System. The general aim was to give them an international survey on the world of work in the three participating countries. As the three languages English, French and Spanish are taught at school, it is evident that they are not only prepared for job qualifications but also linguistically. An international work placement was a good occasion to get to know how business works in these three countries and to improve their intercultural competences Also the employers have acknowledged that language skills are very important for their trainees and ask the school to provide international work placements. The participants were given the possibility to enlarge their business knowledge and to put it into practice. Theywere supposed to discover differences and similarities to their own situation at home. They made lists, compared and wrote offers and checked prices as well as incoming and outgoing goods and communicated in different languages and via different media with clients. Processes within the companies were recognized and compared. All in all, the participants learnt about foreign culture, different business activities and local customs and enlarged their social, intercultural and commercial competences.

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