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Együtt határok nélkül - Zempléni határmenti üzleti együttműködés az EU tükrében (Együtt határok nélkül / Spoločne bez hraníc)
Start date: Sep 30, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project named ''Overcoming borders together" "Cross-border economic cooperation in Zemplén/Zemplín "is based on the possibilities afforded by the EU membership of both countries. The multi-ethnic Zemplén/Zemplín Region extending both sides of national borders is a disadvantaged area located on the eastern edge of the Union. By developing a shared communication infrastructure both sides of the border the project intends to encourage dialogue and cooperation between economic partners, develop business information services and complement business partnerships.In the long run the goal is to stop further inroads of unemployment and decrease economic underdevelopment in the target region both sides of the Hungarian-Slovakian border by strengthening economic integration along with competitiveness and the economic positions of small and medium size enterprises.In the short run the specific goal is to create a communication infrastructure which a) improves business cooperation between SMEs, b) propagates regional and business development programmes, c) confers EU-related knowledge and abilities to the programme's target groups as necessary to improve business cooperation, d) affords regular economic information to the target group, e) ensures possibilities for on-going economic communication, and f) provides economic information to the SME sector.All this is motivated by the fact that, as for today, no shared and moderated communication infrastructure exists to assist and empower participants of the SME sector to successfully cooperate and establish business relationships with other EU member states. The flow of economic information is a basic necessity for both regional and corporate development which is particularly true for a disadvantaged area such as the Zemplén/Zemplín border region known as one of the most underdeveloped areas of both countries. Achievements: In the economically less developed Zemplén region in Northern Hungary, development opportunities for local SMEs are very limited. However, the SMEs operating in the border regions might find development opportunities and achieve expansion by building cross-border business relationships. In order to make these forms of cooperation more intensive and efficient, several years ago, the Regional Development Agency in Kráľovský Chlmec and the Zemplén Local Foundation for Business Development Support in Sátoraljaújhely initiated common activities such as establishing information centres providing the latest business knowledge, and organizing and participating in local and international business exhibitions on both sides of the border. The aim of the project supported within the HUSK Programme was to further develop and extend the already existing initiatives, by the production of an economic and business television programme broadcasted twice a month on the local Zemplén TV.
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  • 80.8%   117 079,29
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Slovak Republic (HU-SK)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website