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Eğitimde dönüşümü sağlama: yiyecek ve giyim stajı faaliyetleri
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the largest vocational high schools of İstanbul, our project prepared by Selçuk Professional and Technical High School will be participated by 22 students from catering services department and 40 students from clothing production technology department. Students will be trained in the Czech Republic and in the Netherlands. In today's world, lots of people chance places for different purposes and therefore they have this opportunity to learn about new cultures. In this process, they get to know new cultures and new facilities which meet different people's needs. Facilities that can offer the best service to the people who grew up in different cultures represent their countries in best ways. For this reason, it is necessary to assess the true potential of Istanbul tourists and to invest in these facilities. In this regard, one of the main needs is the lack of qualified service personnel who can serve international cuisines. To solve this problem, it is planned to train our students in one of the most finest educational institutions of Europe, which means the Czech Republic. Beside tourism in our country, our textile sector's success is also clear. Using the advantages we have in best way, our country took 4th place with 5% shares of the export rating system (WTO, 2013). However, to maintain the sustainability of the sector is related to the level of competitiveness in the industry. Increasing the competitiveness is directly proportional to the Computerized Pattern Systems. But in our country has this problem about having qualified staff in using these systems in the textile industry. To solve this problem, it is planned to educate 40 students in the Netherlands regarding to help them learn about textile production technologies. With this project, we aim to train our students in GERBER as best as we can and to ensure the sustainability of their employment in the sector. At the end of this project which will be carried our for 15 days, our participants will be trained in French, English and Russian service styles and improve their knowledge about the characteristics of these cuisines and will learn about the designs. Our participants from the clothing production technologies will also be trained in the Netherlands with this project and learn how to use Computerized Pattern Systems (GERBER), icons, the intended usage of the program, menu bars, menus, toolbars, design patterns, markers and hardwares. This information will help them improve their professional skills through practice and finally they will be qualified in using the GERBER program. Besides the benefits, it is clear that our participants will be contributing with the quality of education in our region. The rate of the development in our region is related to the people trainings in long terms. For this, it is expected for our participants to start their careers with acquired experiences and therefore to support the quality to increase in our region. They will also be able to improve their professional skills, other cultural knowledges with their experiences. After the completion of this project, results will be prepared and the dissemination activities will be started. Our project is planned for a term of 12 months after the completion of dissemination activities, starting in September 2015, will end in September, 2016.
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