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Efteruddannelse mhp. it og sproglige kompetencer i et transnationalt samarbejde
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Because of investements in new technology and the wish for focus on internationalism, we want to start the project "Efteruddannelse mhp. it og sproglige kompetencer i et transnationalt samarbejde."Our students don't seem to be able to survive without their tablets and etc. We want to seize this opportunity in our daily routines at school. We have needs for further training to implement our goals. We want to sent 16 colleagues on further training on this matter. The training on IT-technology will target teachers who are highly motivated for this. The language courses will target teachers who need to focus on internationalism in their subjects. IT training will include training in the use of iPads and other tablets in daily work routines including sharing projects with partners in other countries. The language courses will ease communication professionally with other international colleagues. Our expectations to the future is, that we will focus more on IT technology while working together with institutions in other countries. We will be sharing projects with each other. The outcome will hopefully be, that our students are taught by various methods that relate to their daily routines. Furthermore our students should become better at working together with students in other countries. The impact should be that students experience more validity on a daily basis.
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