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Efla lýðræðisleg vinnubrögð og samskipti í skólasamfélagi
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project: How to decrease democracy in schools society. It starts fall 2016. Everyone that works in the school will participate, will meet once a week and start with reading book about Democracy in schools í Iceland. After the reading a checklist will be made with our main goals.Then we will make questionnaire from the checklist to send home to students and their parents. There we will for example ask about what they think of democracy in our school. Travel group prepares participants for the tripTravel to Strasbourg in France October 18-21The group takes course and collects data and ideas to work with later. Back home we will meet 1 times a week in a special group witch consists of parents, students and teachers were we will discuss and work with our new knowledge and make a plan for further improving our school. In end of Mai we will again send questionnaire home to students and their parents and ask about their opp inion of democracy.In beginning of June we will write a summery of how the school has strengthening their teaching in education for democracy.
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