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Eficientizarea procesului de predare-invatare din perspectiva calitatii managementului unitatii scolare
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project , through the proposed actions, contributes to the restructuring of teaching and assessment approach, to the modernization and alignment with European educational strategies, to correlate structure and moments of teaching career to the educational standards and provide a professional dynamics using transferable professional credits . The overall objective of the project is the improving of the quality of school management through the development of staff involved in the evaluation of the management planning documents and institutional assessment and by introducing IT skills gained in the educational process . It is known that the external evaluation every 3-5 years is compulsory in the Romanian educational system , a process that is designed to identify both gaps and added-value characteristic of each school . In the context in which our school has not been externally evaluated since 2010, when it was founded the vocational pathway, it is required, first of all, a reevaluation of the internal system of quality management . This requires specific attention paid to the following areas: organizational management , human resources management and professional instructional process, feedback obtained from students , families and policy makers, relationships between teachers and management, certification of learning outcomes . The project is intended to be primarily an activity of improvement and adaptation to modern methods of teaching and learning for all of those that contributes directly to ensuring quality management system , who are directly involved in the planning, evaluation and quality assurance starting with the members of quality commitee and administration council, the responsible of departments, external evaluators and trainers in the field of quality, school managers . The project is designed so that the trainees can share their experience and acquired skills to all involved in the educational process of the school institution , and also to the county educational environment . Through the products of the project will be implemented those best practices and skills known and gained as positive experience for all the participants in the project. The team project will implement a plan to modernize and rethink the entire process of evaluation and quality assurance in school , making also a modernization of all the documentation and materials required in the evaluation process . The teachers belonging to the target group are those who will rethink and resize the Quality Management Systems in order to prepare the school for the periodic evaluation .These materials include: School Quality Manual , School Strategy for quality assurance , Guide for collecting proves for internal assessment , rethinking of the whole system of procedures in schools, elaboration of the internal evaluation report.

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