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Efficient Synthesis and Design of Reconfigurable MEMS-based Band-Pass Filters in SIW Technology (SIWTUNE)
Start date: Feb 13, 2013, End date: Feb 12, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"This project is focused on the development of novel microwave and millimetre-wave fully reconfigurable band-pass filters that combine miniaturization, easy integration onto planar substrates, low losses, low power consumption, improved power handling capabilities and a low-cost and high-yield fabrication scheme. These filters are key components of emerging RF front-ends for future telecommunication systems in both ground and space equipment.To achieve this goal, different emerging and promising technologies will be used. In fact, this project tries to combine the advantages of novel combline SIW resonators with the enhanced characteristics of MEMS varactors to tune the response of coupled resonator filters. The project encompasses all the steps of the filter development process, including EM modelling, design and fabrication issues of the novel topology.This project also aims at improving the European Union competitiveness on the emerging areas involved, by means of scientific excellence and the transfer of the results of this project to the European industry. In addition, the current project also includes a training program at an advanced level for the promising multidisciplinary candidate, in order to reinforce a position of professional maturity, diversity and independence to try to guarantee a bright future career in R&D in Europe"

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