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Efficient Carbon-reduction and Optimisation of Logistic Operations Generated via Innovative Services. Training and ICT using Cooperative Standards (ECOLOGISTICS)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ecologistics aims at raising awareness and opportunities for companies to optimize their freight operations by using standardized collaborative ICT tools. The tools developed by Ecologistics will enable an improved data exchange between the actors from different levels of Supply Chain. Currently. large companies and SMEs are not operating at the same information level: SMEs have little time and no internal resources to match their current organization to an international and standardized transport flow. Ecologistics will provide solutions to fill the information gap between large companies and SMEs by promoting a collaborative information network based on a European standard called Electronic Product Code Network (EPC Network). which enables direct connection between people and travelling objects (concept of Internet of Things). Our SME targets are multi-sector. going from producers. transporters. through logistician service providers or retailers to infrastructure managers. The EPC standard has never before been used between different companies in different countries. only in large companies for their own internal needs. Ecologistics will tackle the Supply Chain synchronization challenge by providing a unified and normalized ICT tool to supply chain managers. Best efficiency can only be reached if all actors participate in common efforts. based on international standards. By enabling this ICT tool through all the Supply Chain. more efficient. more communicative and greener NWE transportation will be triggered. Implementing such innovative ICT solutions will enable the reduction of freight congestion. waiting times in delivery places. unnecessary trips. traceability issues and so lead to a greener and more efficient transportation that positively impacts on the NWE economy (win logistics business. companies competition and growth) and NWE environment (green logistics. decrease of carbon footprint). Achievements: Ecologistics Brussels' conferenceThe partners of Ecologistics project met at a conference in Brussels on October 14th, 2014. Throughout the conference, Ecologistics aimed at presenting the added value of IT tools and GS1 standards for implementingtraceability in logistics and introducing to the audience the demonstration of the first scenario integrated in thedemonstrator, which is one of the main outputs of the project. The conference attracted more than 60 participants. The project partners expressed their gratitude to the external speakers from many companies using GS1 codesand shared their precious experience with the audience.More information is available under:
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  • 50%   2 105 703,57
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants