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EfficienSea 2 - Efficient, Safe and Sustainable Traffic at Sea (EfficienSea 2)
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The trend in navigational accidents no longer appears to decrease. In a Formal Safety Assessment (IMO NAV59-6, Annex 1) 5.544 navigational and 7.275 other accidents resulted in the loss of 6.264 lives (2001-2010). The coincide of EU policies on safer and more efficient waterborne operations and in particular the e-maritime initiative with IMO’s strategy for e-navigation opens a unique window of opportunity to influence the maritime sector and make substantial impact. Funding of EfficienSea 2 will enable the consortium to exploit this window of opportunity, supporting EU policies and marine traffic management through services to:1. Improve navigational safety and efficiency2. Improve Arctic navigation and emergency response3. Decrease administrative burdens4. Improve environmental monitoring & enforcementLasting impact will be ensured by five enabling actions: 1. Development of the Maritime Cloud – a communication framework for both e-maritime and e-navigation - enabling efficient sharing of information between all maritime stakeholders2. Maturing emerging communication technologies, improving ships connectivity3. Proactive facilitation of standardisation to maximize adoption and impact4. Showcasing solutions in two very different geographic areas. Web-based initial implementation of the services will be done in the Arctic and the Baltic5. Ensure an ambitious upgrade of international maritime safety regimes through a strong participation in regulatory bodies including EU and IMOEfficienSea 2 has gathered a unique level of competence in a consortium of 32 partners from 10 countries representing authorities, academia, international organisations as well as equipment manufacturers combining all the right capacities for effectively achieving these ambitious objectives.
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31 Partners Participants