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Effective School Management
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A successful modern educational establishment must be effective both in terms of the learning model it proposes and the way it is managed. One of the requirements for an effective 21st century school is a systemic approach to educational management. We want our school to become strong and successful, a bit better than we are today. In order to do so we need to build a culture of excellence and turn our school into a place with outstanding results, satisfied students, employees and sustainable future. We want to better understand trends in the field of 21st century education and the requirements they set, we want to identify the cause of problems, foresee potential challenges and work out specific solutions. By attending two trainings: "Effective Management of the 21st Century School" in Cantalupa, Italy and “How to build the organisational excellence in schools” in Riga, Latvia, we believe that we will be able to learn mechanisms for identifying priority areas for the coming years. Understanding how the ‘Excellence’ approach helps in a school environment, will provide us and our staff with tools and ideas for improving current approaches to problem solving and problem management. In our time of rapid changes students need careful focus on thinking skills and independent inventive thinking. We believe that this is what learners need to be taught in schools and in universities. We want to help our learners formulate questions and to give them tools to look for answers and stop providing answers to questions we have formulated ourselves! That is the reason we decided to apply for two trainings which provide knowledge, methods and mechanisms for effective and successful management of our school, which is exactly what we need to improve our school for the coming years. As the trainings are aimed mostly at the management team of the organization, our participants will be the principal and the vice principal of the school.As the title of our project suggests effective school management leads to excellent teachers using modern methods, excellent school leadership and satisfied students and parents. This project will help us to improve internal communication and the planning of work. We hope that the improvement idea we acquire during our project will help us create a better and more successful educational environment in our school. We also want to foster inventive thinking at all levels in our school. By encouraging an open mind and creative thinking we believe that every pupil can make a difference and we shall all benefit in the end. We pay a special attention to individuality and we try to enhance it as much as possible. By attending the course “How to build the organisational excellence in schools” participants will receive knowledge about the ‘Excellence’ model concept used in European schools and basic knowledge about the Excellence Model. They will also be able to manage to run a systematic and professional self-assessment process through cooperation and efficient communication in our own school environment. The course will give the participants knowledge on how to use various methods and techniques, which are suitable for development activities in our school. After the course the participants will be able to compare and contrast different national applications of the ‘Excellence’ model as well as the other initiatives as ECVET etc. They will have competence to organise self-assessments including the process, data consolidation and prioritisation of areas suitable for school development. After the course, the participants will be motivated to bring the ‘Excellence’ model into our school environment, they will know how to use various ‘Excellence’ techniques and methods, how to work with self-assessment results and turn them into an improvement plan, how to manage a systematic and structured self-assessment process in the organisation and how to exchange experience and connect to other schools also applying the ‘Excellence’ model. By attending the training course "Effective Management of the 21st Century School" our participants will learn specific tools for a more systemic approach to the management of our school. They will also be able to apply some of the tools to deal with their professional problems. The participants will also be willing to master the new skills after the course.The participants in these two training courses will also gain experience in projects like this. After the training courses they will have knowledge and experience that would be very valuable for our school for future projects like this. The participants will also meet teachers, trainers and staff from other EU countries and could exchange experience with them as well as share ideas for working on future projects together.

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