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Effective Mobility - Creating Tomorrows Working Life
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Amiedu and the Ami Foundation have a long tradition of being a learning and developing organisation with a constant evolution path in accordance with changing customer needs. Our competence and excellence capability builds from a base of social responsibility. We have developed and provided services to support the unskilled and unemployed, provided qualification programmes and certificates and also supported immigration and integration. Amiedu supports the development of the competence base of organisational customers in order to fulfill their strategic objectives and targets. In all of this we have worked within an international and multicultural environment. Amiedu has strong commitments with a variety of business and work life parties supporting the Ministry of Educations and Culture programme of developing and serving the economy with effective skills and competence development services. Amiedu services development is conducted in accordance to the changing needs of the society, economy and work life. The international scope of Amiedu activities is based on work life expectations. We provide international and multicultural skills and competence development services for the organisations and individuals operating in the global environment. Immigration is a strong trend and multicultural work communities are an everyday phenomenon. Work communities are in a constant need of improving skills and competencies in working effectively in a diverse work environment. Organisations are more and more international in their operations.They need flexible,innovative,curious and open-minded people in their personnel. Amiedu is looking forward in meeting these challenges with a mobility programme supporting student and staff mobility. The programme has an increased volume with quality activities in order to further enhance the international and multicultural skills and competencies of all related parties. Amiedu has run international projects with an excellent track record. Prior to the LdV-IVT-On the go we coordinated the ESR-COFI to support work related immigration processes. Amiedu is a partner in the On the go- VETPRO which is a spin-off of the On the go-IVT supporting international and multicultural competencies at work environments on an ongoing basis. Our international partner network has expanded with the inclusion of our organisational and work life partnerships. Mobility is an expanding activity within Amiedu. Objectives: Effective Mobility – Creating Tomorrows Working Life is a mobility project with an objective to meet the needs of international and multicultural skills and competencies development of organisational customers with student and staff mobility activities. The secondary objective is to enhance the skills and competencies of Amiedu personnel in innovative mobility services in a network environment. Purpose: Students: The purpose of the project is to facilitate clearly defined work related learning plans in partner organisations as a part of the process of acquiring competence-based qualifications. The creditation of courses is based on the qualification requirements in line with the ECVET –principles and utilizing the Europass Mobility and evaluation documents. The purpose is to guide students in acquiring international and multicultural skills and competencies in accordance with the framework of the competence-based qualification structure and the needs of their organizational objectives and working environments. Staff: Staff mobility is integrated to work life networking. Amiedu staff visit partner organisations together with organizational work life contacts for joint benchmarking and innovative learning activities conducted primarily as job shadowing processes in various European countries. The mobility of individual Amiedu staff members also enables guidance and tutoring for students and cooperation with partner organisations in learning process harmonization and course creditation details. Volume: Our target is to increase mobility volumes. The combined activity of the Amiedu competence centers will create a strong presence in work life related mobility combining student, employer and Amiedu staff networking in the international arena. The target volume is to support 40 students and 30 staff/customer personel members in mobility activities. Results, effectiveness: The project will address the skills and competence development needs of the work life and organisational customers. The effectiveness materializes in organisations with a clear focus in present or planned international actactivities. The organisations create an excellent platform to distribute international and multicultural skills and competencies within their regional, national and international structures with this programme. Furthermore, the programme will enhance the knowledge base of international programme and project management in work communities and vocational institutions in participating countries.
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8 Partners Participants