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Effective Media Literacy for Healthy Generations
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Owing to the scientific and technological advances, societies are becoming more globalized. Yet, they cannot be as affective as they are with these advances in rearing new generations. The most influential factors in rearing a child is family, school, environment,peers and media. In a true educational system schools must be the most influential factor and family should be the second. However, media, peers and environment are the most effective ones. Especially TVs and internet have captured children and teenagers in an uncotrolled way and children and teenagers have become addicted to it. At this scope, EU recommendations have given priority to media literacy so that children and teenagers become conscious receivers instead of passive receivers. Under the scope of the Project, the trainings will be arranged in workshops and media characteristic will be dealt with in these workshops. Latvia and Turkey will prepare a common Programme by also investigating the good practices in the worls and also by taking their country specific conditions and needs. The Programme and the book to be published after the implementation aim to contribute youngsters develop a critical eye toward media and they become active, responsible citizens.

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