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EFD ASB Hessen
Start date: Aug 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ASB Hesse has been active in field of volunteering for several years providing an opportunity to young people to experience community service in a variety of different working areas during a gap year (FSJ) or as a civil alternative to military service; thus, they get the chance to give something back to society and at the same time to learn valuable lessons for their own life.These experiences have prompted the volunteering department to expand the scope of volunteering services offered – especially since more and more young people from all over Europe and neighbouring countries have shown interest in volunteering in Germany. Working together with the Serbian organisation IDC, a cooperation that took place within the framework of the Samaritan International network, has lead to the idea to facilitate exchange between young people. At first, through youth exchange in Germany in August 2015 and eventually by offering voluntary community service. The volunteering department builds on years of experience in supervising volunteers comprehensively and at the same time educating them in order to give young people from the European Union and other nations participating in the EFD project, an opportunity, independent from their respective social background and educational status, to volunteer in Germany. There, they can learn to express their self-efficacy – apart from institutionalized learning in schools – or gain life skills in other institutions in a more informal manner. At the same time it is of utmost importance for the ASB regional division Hesse – also for IDC Serbia – to use this way to motivate young people from Europe to volunteer and empower them to become engaged in civic matters. In addition to this primary concern, the ASB regional division Hesse wants to develop a deeper understanding of the European idea among the EFS’s participants and to sustain and further this concept in the long run by working together in a common effort to help others.Two young participants in the 2015 youth exchange from Serbia will become active in Germany for one year. They have already had their first experiences in community activities and expressed their wish to broaden them. On the basis of this experience, the ASB regional division Hesse is looking forward to give more young people from all over Europe the opportunity to successfully take part in this program over the next years.
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