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In a global world the language is an essential element of the cultural identity and multi-linguism contributes to the social cohesion, to the profound thoroughgoing study of the European Union motto: unity in diversity and that is why we have the obligation to protect and promote the linguistic inheritance from all the member states, but at the same time, we must understand each other.From this reason the bilateral project “EDUTAINEMENT SPA-ROM”, initiated by the “Petru Poni” Technical College has as goal the developing of the linguistic competences of the two partners, Romanian and Spanish, and also theSpanish partner’s gaining new knowledge of Romanian and the Romanian partner’s getting knowledge of Spanish. The project addresses specially to the students with special needs, all these being a part of discriminated groups and who have been identified by the ONU Committee for the child’s rights. The project will be unfurled over two years, starting with 2008, the year of the intercultural dialogue and will continue in 2009, declared the European year of creativity and innovation and has as objectives promoting multi-linguism, cooperation, learning by doing and all this by edutainment (EDUCATION like DIVERTISSMENT) The project activities will focus on:1.-creating a site of the project where the results of all activities should be posted2.-realising a virtual cookery book in English, Spanish and Romanian, called “SPAROM Cookbook” (the picking up of recipes for the cookery book from the internet too, Buffet with Romanian and Spanish foods from the cookery book)3.- the SPAROM festival (show with poems, Romanian songs and dances interpreted by the Spanish, and Spanish poems, songs and dances interpreted by the Romanians, a fashion parade inspired by the folklore of the participant countries, the planting of the “Friendship Tree”)4.- 20 hours of courses of Romanian, Spanish respectively during the visits

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