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Edukacja XXI wieku. Doskonalenie nauczycieli w zakresie umiejętności korzystania z TIK oraz komunikacji w językach obcych szansą na rozwój szkoły i uczniów.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Education of the 21st century. Teachers' professional development and achieving new skills in foreign languages and ICT as a chance for school progress" will be participated by teachers of general subjects who are especially interested in gaining knowledge and skills in the field of:- communication in italian, german and english;- new methods and approaches in english language teaching;- using IT in education - e-learning lessons and courses.We are going to take part in training courses abroad by 5 different mobility editions. The first group (6 teachers) is going to participate in the course which will be organized by Istituto Linguistico Mediterraneo in Viareggio and Pisa in Italy – an experienced organizer of language courses. The second mobility (1 teacher) is going to take part in a course at Accademia Lingua Italiana in Assisi in order to improve the level of language skills and prepare for CILS/CELI exam. The third group (7 teachers) is going to go on one week training course connected with the ways of using ICT in teaching. The forth mobility is the participation of 2 english teachers in teaching methodology course (both in Malta at Executive Training Institute – the organization which is highly experienced in training teachers from all over Europe). The fifth mobility is the german language course in Bayern (Germany) for ine teacher.Our Project will contribute to improvement of the quality of school – the skills which will be gained by teachers during the mobility will have an influence on better quality of educational services offered by school. The teachers will have the opportunity to expand their communication skills in English and Italian language what will have impact on their teaching performance. The teaching staff will have the chance to get familiar with the new teaching methods which will make their work more successful and effective. Nowadays, schools tend to use digital and e-learning solutions during classes. Thanks to e-learning courses teachers will have the opportunity to get to know ways of using information technology during their lessons. By this way, the school will be enriched by teachers who will become true masters in the field of their subject. The results of abroad trainings of teaching staff will bring long-term benefits – the teachers will become more versatile and inventive in conducting lessons. Thanks to the exchanging experiences with other participants of courses and gaining new skills - the teachers will have more creative approach to their profession, what will lead to the higher quality of education in our school. The linguistic and IT skills gained during the project will contribute to intense and professional cooperation - new projects within the teaching staff mobility, the next organization of vocational practices for students (including the continuation of cooperation with Italy in the gastronomy area), the projects within e-Twinning programme.

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