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Educational work with refugees - comparison of methods in Germany, Austria and Sweden
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In all the three countries participating in the project (Germany, Austria and Sweden), the question of the right handling of the refugee relief is the dominant theme. Also the adult education is affected by this, because almost every adult education provider offers courses either for these refugees/new arrivals itself or for the professionals and volunteers, because the need of further training regarding the educational work with refugees/new arrivals increases.This one year lasting European partnership, consciously planned with partners of just three, but - from the adult education perspective - relevant countries, wants to start an exchange about successful concepts and methods in the educational work with refugees/new arrivals. At the same time, we want to esteem the different educational traditions and adult education systems: while in Germany and Austria the providers normally work with structured courses, the Swedish partners e.g. use the established method of study circles also for the integration of refugees. The project partners would like to learn more about the existing approaches and about the frame conditions of educational work with refugees/new arrivals. In a second step, we want to start a most broad exchange in the whole field of adult education about successful concepts and methods. At the same time, we want to reflect together, to what extent the new experiences can be integrated into the own work.To reach the defined objectives, we have chosen partners from different levels of adult education in each country. We are three umbrella organisations operating nationwide and six adult education providers working on local and/or regional level. These providers will be represented each by somebody of the management staff and a teacher/trainer.With this project team, we can assure the maximum local scope as well as we can cover all levels of educational work with adult refugees. The direct target audience of this project are the project partners’ institutions themselves. During the project phase, we want to develop ideas how to integrate the new knowledge and the experiences of the partners into our own work for the benefit of all partners. Moreover, we want to use our existing networks to start a most possible exchange about the different concepts.For the dialogue between the project partners, the most relevant activities will be the three transnational meetings. There we will learn more about the frame conditions and about the concrete educational work with adult refugees/new arrivals in the participating organisations. For having a more structured and bigger basis of information and reflection, we will ask other relevant members of the existing networks via questionnaires about the offers for refugees and about further trainings they offer for professional and volunteer staff in this field. All the interested institutions will be informed via special project newsletter and they will have the possibility to participate in the exchange, e.g. by posting on the website.For collaborating, the project partners will use the methods of transformative learning with its steps experiences, rational discourse and critical reflection. We chose this method because of regarding adult education institutions, as well as the single participant, as learning subjects.Expected results will be the deep knowledge of different educational approaches and methods, which are used in the work with refugees/new arrivals and about the frame conditions, in which the partners work. This will help us to find new and successful way for offering learning events for refugees/new arrivals as well as for professional and volunteer staff working with refugees/new arrivals
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8 Partners Participants