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Educational, Scientific, and Technological Aspects of Splines (ESTSpline)
Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Having completed a two-year senior researcher fellowship as part of the Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge (ToK) project CENS-CMA, the proposing researcher, Dr. Ewald Quak, has elected to stay at the fellowship host institution CENS and pursue his further career while located in Estonia. The ToK project CENS-CMA (Collaboration of Estonian and Norwegian Scientific Centres within Mathematics and its Applications) joins the Estonian National Centre of Excellence CENS (Centre for Nonlinear Studies) and the Norwegian National Centre of Excellence CMA (Centre of Mathematics for Applications). The still-ongoing CENS-CMA project is a collaborative effort concerning research in computational mathematics, but also in training and public outreach activities. Though no longer financed by that project, Dr. Quak will continue to serve as an important link between the two centres and contribute to their activities, being familiar with CENS now (as a member of CENS since May 2005) and having worked for the Norwegian non-profit applied research organization SINTEF since 1996, and a member of CMA since its inception in 2003. Dr. Quak's research in the use of spline functions as tools in computational mathematics will cover various aspects: new scientific work in the stability and use of spline wavelets as part of a multiresolution analysis; technological applications concerning water waves, especially in a newly defined CENS activity called ""Green Marine Highways"" to reduce the damage caused by oil pollution in the Baltic Sea; educational initiatives such as publishing books on related topics, developing coursework, also in the framework of the European Consortium of Mathematics for Industry, and continuing to organize joint industry-academia workshops and other events to stimulate intersectorial contact."

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