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Educational Path for Emotional well-being
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project Educational Path for Emotional Wellbeing will create an innovative training path in the field of emotional health, crisis intervention, social inclusion. The project consortium includes 10 partners from 4 EU countries: Germany, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands. The partners are the most expert European NGOs, Associations of volunteers and HEIs committed to Emotional Support, and will identify, through recent common projects and within the preliminary phase of “Educational Path for Emotional Well-being” proposal, the main research needs of emotional telephone emergency services and quality-improving measures in the areas of emotional health amongst the Association’s Members, as well encouraging pan-European cooperation. The project, that will last 24 months, will create a model of training curriculum on 5 key areas involved in Emotional Wellbeing: 1. Human resource skills related to emotional and mental health in various cultural and professional environments 2. Development of emotional intelligence, communication and interpersonal skills 3. Strengthening of coping skills and problem solving 4. Societal and individual needs, soft skills requested in present society and labour market 5. Social inclusion and sustainability These macro areas have been provisionally identified during the proposal preparatory phase and will be re-designed according to the results of the initial project phase (leading to the development of Output 1- Emotional well being Initiatives Toward a Mindset Change). Within this phase, partners will undertake a survey aimed at identifying new Emotional well being models, training opportunities and needs, as to update the state of art of mental health problems, such as anxiety or stress, impact on productivity; a comparative analysis of the results will be carried out as to have a picture of what is going on in Europe on Emotional well being. As result of this work, inventories will be created and made available on line, respectively of initiatives and training opportunities in Emotional well being, with a focus on identifying existing modules and resources to be further adapted and developed to respond to the target groups needs.The training path (Output 2 - EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING MODULES AND RESOURCES) will be composed by a set of 5 modules, each composed by 30 h structured at distance courses and in presence. This will result in a training offer of 120 h (70 h as e-learning, 40 h as one-week intensive course). The full set of modules will be tested in a joint demonstrative blended course, that will involve 150 participants from partner countries representing HEIs, NGOs, Foundations, Research Institutes and PA. The part of the course to be realized in presence will be implemented through a blended mobility action in Munchen aimed at strengthening knowledge and methodological exchanges. After testing the course, the curriculum will be improved and standardized according to partner HEI regulations and included in already existing MSc degree courses (Output 3 -MODEL AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR AN EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING CURRICULUM).The model of curriculum will be accompanied by a set of policy recommendations for the validation and recognition of 30 ECTS with reference to the EQF Level 6,7 and the validating the new profile (Listener), ensuring long term project sustainability. The proposal aims at making lifelong learning and mobility a reality, by creating flexible learning pathways and addressing to adult learners which can be entered at different stage of their life encouraging the networking. The project will adopt a participatory approach with active involvement of stakeholders in the different project phases. Furthermore, by creating and validating a set of collaborative modules and resources in the test blended course will serve as an example of transnational Society-University-Welfare Cooperation that may be adapted to any other course subject, providing long-term sustainability of the project outcomes. EmPoWEring dissemination will raise awareness on Emotional Wellbeing across Europe, opening the path for Emotional Support initiatives in reaching different pedagogical goals and global challenges (all those in emotional distress, youth unemployment, elderly neglect or burn- out prevention) and that of local governments in social development. Dissemination will be ensured by a dedicated website and use of social networks, promotional video, and a eNewsletter to be distributed in partner countries and all over Europe.A strong link with relevant scientific societies (International Association of Suicide Prevention, World Federation for Mental Health, the World Alliance of Crisis Helplines and World Health Organisation will enable long-term sustainability and acessibility of project outputs. Within the projects, three multiplier events will be realized in Hungary, Italy and in Bamberg with a final international conference where a EU Networking for emergency service will be launched.

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9 Partners Participants