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Education without borders Step 6 & New Horizons, New Knowledge, Better Practise Step 2
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus project "Education without borders Step 6 & New Horizons, New Knowledge, Better Practise Step 2" is mourished by the strategy plan for SOSU C 2011-2016. In the straegyplan it is a goal to strenghten internationalisation activities to, through this give the educations of SOSU C more width and perspective, and raise quality in the different educations.It is a goal that 5 % of all students and 10 % of staff are, or has been, involved in international activities by the end of 2016 and further on.It is also a goal to promote SOSU C as a college with an international profile. This will contribute to raise image of Basic Health educations in Denmark and in Europe. To strenghten and render visible the interntional activities at SOSU C we have an interntional tean apart from the international coordinator. The team will contribute to promotion of international activities both in quality and in quantity and make international work a natural part of the assembled activities of SOSU C.Project "Education without borders step 6" has as its superior goal to send students from Social and Health Care educations Step 1 and 2 and Educator assistant education in work placements abroad as an integrated part of their education with our CATE partners in Finland, Netherlands and Spain. There work placements will be within elder care and child care.The project stands upon our present international experiences competences and projects. SOSU C has the following aims for student mobility-To encourage international mobility-Strengthen personal and professional development of the students via work placements abroad-Stimulate and strenghten the students access to further education, employment and European curiosity.-Stimulate, qualify and stabilize the cooperation with employers in the field of social and health care and in the field of child care-As an ongoing proces - for the individual and in generel - to qualify the mobility experiences for own out going students as well as foreign incoming students -To work with talents The Erasmus project other superior goal is the project "New Horizons-New Knowledge-Better Practice Step 2" that will send 26 employees from SOSU C and work placements on a 1 week stay abroad, as a part of their competencedevelopment.The mobility stay will be arranged in a way so they will benefit form days at a college, days with job - shadowing and cultural visits with relevans for the participants professional and inter cultural competence development. It is new, that we plan to send college and work employees at the same time, but the goal is increased synergy og tightness between school and work to the benefit of students and educations.The aims for teachers and employees are:- To strenghten cooperation between school and work placements to benefit the students coherence in education and to benefit the education as a whole and use this cooperation as a learning platform-To strenghten the teachers and employees personal and professional skills and competences through a stay abroad and the interaction with foreign colleagues-To strenghten the teachers and employees language and intercultural competences-To give them tools to be able to assist in increasing quality, innovation and renewal of their educational practice and guidance of students as well as the development of the organisation.-To put a focus on the mobility of the European work force.We expect, that the work force of SOSU C are aware of the possibilities for international mobility and cooperation through this project. For all the mobility actions we have an application procedure, where the individual applicant must account for their aim with the stay.All mobilities will be evaluated and corrections and quality development will happen continously. SOSU C work goal oriented and intentional with our strategy and action plans to raise quality and quantity in internationalisation among this possibilities to go abroad for a work placement stay for both students, sataff and now staff from work life.We are focused on preventing drop outs, raise completions of education and work among other things with internationalisation as a mean to raise image in VET.We expect, that all participants will experience a lift in their competences. That they get new knowledge, new ideas and are able to put this into actions i own work where ever it takes place. On a larger scale we expect that internationalisation will be a "living" part of daily life at SOSU C in education, for the students and for staff. We expect that internationalisation will benefit education pedagogical and didactic and the image of educations.

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