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Energy sources used in industry that begin with the transformation of coal energy into steam are not infinite.In parallel to the increase of population, the increase in energy need is at high levels all over the world.This increasing need for energy and industrialization have also brought about urbanization and also significant environment problems.Every country is in fact in competition to discover new means of energy generation/consumption.With the evidencing that modern life cannot be sustained with only energy based on fossil fuels, countries that are successful in this competition shall guide the economy of the world. Growth and being a part of the world economy in a strong manner is of importance for Turkey.For growth, our country requires industrialization,for industrialization there is a need for cheap,clean,uninterrupted energy, and for energy, there is a need for financing,technology, and human resources.In order to access energy required for industrialization,it is necessary to use energy efficiently and in order to generate energy there is a need to prefer renewable energy resources rather than limited resources.Thus,while generating energy, support shall also be provided for the conservation of the environment.Investments to be made for energy generation or energy efficiency render high costs,qualified human resources, and most importantly,an adequate legal infrastructure necessary.The ongoing legal infrastructure constitution works in our country, frequent changes in legislation, and the adverse impact of this on energy investors constitute the justifications of our project. At this point, our project aims to develop technical,financial,and legal training modules on energy efficiency and renewable energy for energy sector stakeholders and investors.The training to be provided through these modules aims to eliminate the legal, technical, and financial uncertainties confronting entrepreneurs wishing to invest in the energy sector and ensure that human resources are trained for the energy sector.Accordingly, with the cooperation of EHAE,General Directorate of Renewable Energy of the Ministry of Energy,Gazi University,OSTİM Organized Industrial Region,Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving-CRES(Greece),Szenzor Hungary Ltd(Hungary),University of Oradea Department of Energy Engineering (Romania),and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics(Hungary),our TECLENERGY project shall be realized.In our project that will last for 24 months,the access of investors to needed technologies through the technical training modules and having them train human resources in technical terms,are expected.With the legal and financial modules that shall eliminate the uncertainties confronted by investors, it is expected that local and foreign energy investments in Turkey shall increase.At the same time,these modules shall provide contributions in the training of expert legal professionals in the field of energy law.

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