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Education meets migration
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For long we have known about the importance of education when it comes to developing subject and social skills, managing one's life, stay in school, get a job. During the last year now the migration situation has developed into what we now see - people in large numbers leaving their home country, for safety or other personal reasons. This situation challenges society all over Europe and even further. And, from our perspective, it challenges the way the educational system meet the immigrant students and their families. "Education meets migration" is exactly what it sounds. Five partners, four of them public schools, one academic centre, have joined forces to put focus on this and find ways to better deal with the situation. The partners are located, perhaps by chance, along the main migration route(s): from the area around Turkey, north via Balkan (Slovenia partner) and up high north (Denmark, Norway). This aspect gives us a unique platform to work from.By working in class, in school and in community we will improve the work on migration. Along the way we will share information with each other, but also with a broader public audience.To keep things together we will use modern ICT-platfoms but also real meetings, hosted by the partners one after the other. In that way all partners will get really familiar with the situation in the other partner countries. One project meeting will also include a two-day transnational learning section, run by Turkish academic(s).There will be a common core in the project, but the focus may not necessarily be identical to all partners. At one school pedagogy may be focused on, at another social inclusion. The situation at each partner will have to decide.

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4 Partners Participants