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Education for Sustainable Countryside
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At present there does not exist offer of the systematic education in the fields crucial for sustainable development of rural areas for target groups from rural areas (local producers, suppliers of the connected services, multipliers/disseminators of information, consumers) - at least in the partner countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia). In the frame of the project there will be therefore designed, piloted and developed three types of educational modules plus handbook , which will cover the description of the educational modules, study materials, practical tips, experience of organizers and participants and outputs from evaluation. The handbook will respect the national and local specifics and differences but at the same time it will be developed in such a way that it can be transfered and used for implementation of similar training courses in other regions and other countries. Each of the three partners will create one type of module and will test it in practice, then will share the experience with other partners and they will implement two other modules, feed back on them and help to improve them. In this way there will be implemented 9 educational courses (3 in each country, one with the topic Regional/Local Production/Local products, Environmentally sound products, second one with the topic Environmentally sound agriculture, care for landscape, organic agricultural products, and the third one with the topic Environmentally sound tourism (visitor and information centers, (nature) guides, lodging facilities). Each module includes 5 one day workshops at "home" region, two e-learning lessons and 5-day study tour to the partner countries. By implementation of the project there will be supported international dimension of education. We expect that there will be trained 180 participants in 9 different courses (3 topics in 3 countries). The target group of the course are local producers, farmers, suppliers of services - such as bed and breakfast providers , restaurants, tourist guides, staff of tourist information centers and visitor centers, educators, employees of public administration. The output of the project will be described 3 types of educational modules and handbook, which will include curriculum of modules, reflecting also national and local specifics, syllaby of the seminars and workshops, study materials, experience of partners from organization of modules and experience of participants and evaluation report (evaluating the shifts of knowledge of participants and quality of the educational process). Created educational modules will be distributed through conferences/workshops for adult educators and trainers which will be visited also by foreign lecturers. The handbook will be available for free download from pages of all the partners (in national language and in English, furthermore it will be available locally in libraries, offices and information centers and nation-wide in educational institutions. By implementation of the project there will be supported the principles of sustainable development in practice, will be improved services, supported agriculture, handicrafts, increased prestige of the education and raised awareness about sustainable development among public.

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2 Partners Participants