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Education for Life
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The current vocational education programs in Croatia are characterized by a variety of different areas of expertise. This however, does not sufficiently ensure one to develop competences demanded by the labor market due to slow and inefficient modernization of the educational system. Vocational students often encounter difficulties when it comes to finding acceptable licensed facilities to perform the practical part of their vocational program. Also, they frequently change the facilities due to their closing as a direct result of the difficult economic situation in the country. In addition, the licensed facilities are oftentimes not adequately equipped since momentarily they lack the funding to modernize the existing or purchase new, specialized equipment. Students therefore do not have the necessary conditions to develop their skills in order to adapt to swift economic changes. The main project activity is to enable students to develop their practical vocational skills by spending two weeks in a technical facility where they would gain the opportunity to develop their training competence. By doing so, students would be able to improve their technical knowledge, strengthen the existing and develop new technical competence and skills, more rationally decide to continue to study for another complementary degree or to find a suitable workplace. The target groups are different vocational program students: hairstylists, cooks, waiters, electricians, auto mechanics and professional handymen. The mobility is to take place in Ireland where twenty-two vocational students of various profiles are to gain the work experience in a specialized foreign facility. The general aim of the project activities is to enhance the students' existing technical expertise by enabling them to professionally further develop by participating in a two-week on the job learning and practical training in Ireland. The specific aims are: to learn new practical working methods, to gain specific knowledge and skills, to contribute to further development of the language skills and to familiarize with foreign working ethics and Irish culture. The expected results are: gained new and improved existing practical knowledge and skills, enhanced language skills, students successfully educated in the area of multiculturalism, developed sense of active European citizenship and diversity tolerance. Project activities: preparation activities (linguistic and cultural), attending technical practice in foreign language, socializing with project participants. The aims, activities and expected results correspond with the Erasmus+ program priorities and results, which are: professional development support and improvement with a view to improving training and providing various training opportunities, learner support in the acquisition of competences with a view to improving their personal development and employability in the European labor market and beyond, notably enhance the participants' foreign language competence, raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and European Union values, actively participate in society, develop a sense of internal motivation and satisfaction and ensure a better recognition of competences gained through the learning periods abroad. The project emphasizes the importance of mobility and recognizes the usefulness of the life-long learning concept which positively influences the increase in the motivational aspect for future employment in the EU countries or further learning and training courses after experiencing the learning period abroad.
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