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Education for Equity - Social, Linguistic and Cultural Inclusion
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A central aim within EU’s Vision 2020 is to reduce the number of students leaving school too early to 10 %. Developing successful methods and ways of working to fulfill this aim is important. This project emanates from the needs within the area of ”early school leaving” in Europe and in particular the countries of the project partners. The project group consists of three organisations from three European countries – BildungsWerk, (BWK) Berlin in Germany, Centre for Professional Development (FBA), Uppsala University in Sweden and Alt Valley Community Trust (AVCT), Liverpool in UK. BWK, educates young people in both practical skills and theoretical knowledge in close cooperation with employers. FBA has a long experience in producing professional development activities for schools, with an international dimension. Migrants and refugees have been in focus as a specifically vulnerable group of students and an area of special interest. AVCT works to create opportunities for learning, development and change for the most disengaged, disadvantaged and disaffected members of the community. The project organisations have been chosen to create a solid knowledge foundation and to be able to illuminate the problem from the different views of perspectives on education for equity –social, cultural and linguistic inclusion. Even though all three partner organisations have competence and experience in working towards social, linguistic & cultural inclusion and school success for marginalised groups, additional knowledge is urgently required. The target group is, apart from the staff of the project organisations also professionals in education; teachers, school leaders, career teachers, school health service and welfare officers, in Europe. The general aims of the project are connected to the aim of the EU; to reduce early school leaving and contribute to a positive long-term development with an increasing number of students at risk fulfilling their education. The objectives are • Developing innovative methodologies which can be used to increase educational success in school and/or vocational training • Mapping out and analyzing good practice in social, linguistic and cultural inclusion, with special attention given to migrant children’s situation • Creating sustainable networks and finding successful strategies for cooperation between schools, communities and labour market on national and local level • Producing guidelines for good practice, dissemination activities and professional development events for professionals in education • A digital platform for information and communication. The platform will also function as a forum for professional discussions open to stakeholders within the EU. To achieve the goals the project will, among other things, organise Transnational meetings with the project participants aiming towards development of new knowledge and innovative methods for dealing with students at risk, Joint staff training events with staff in the project organisations in order to analyse and test good practices, Intellectual outputs — courses and conferences, a digital platform for information and communication, a film and publications —to disseminate the work and results of the project and to make sustainable impact in the project organisations and with professionals in education on national and European level. The envisaged results and impact are • More extensive knowledge about dropouts, NEETs and students with low basic skills • Innovative methods will be consolidated and integrated into the partner organisations’ educational framework (management, organisation, resources etc.) and used in their daily work. Through this the project will generate a sustainable impact on the work of the partner organisations. • Well-functioning networks and sustainable strategies for cooperation between partner organisations and schools, communities, local employers and other stakeholders. The issue of NEETs and early drop-outs is a huge challenge for the future and a matter of vital importance in the EU. • Intellectual outputs, most importantly the digital platform, but also publications and other products, will be used by professionals in education all over Europe. The digital platform will contribute to a sustainable impact of the project results and enable different stakeholders to discuss, ask questions and receive information about the project topics and results. • Educational activities, courses, seminars, conferences and contract education, available for professionals in education in Europe. These activities will, for the foreseeable future be offered by the FBA in their work for professional development and internationalisation in schools.
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