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Educating Professionals on European VET Systems
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is framed within the strategic lines of Xarxa FP as a European network of cities for VET mobility and innovation regarding the internationalization and qualitative improvement of VET in Spain, through the promotion of mobility actions for staff from the Spanish cities of the network, in order to work along with other European education organizations towards the objectives of Europe 2020. The general objectives are to get to know the education and VET systems in Denmark and the Netherlands to create added value and encourage the improvement of the Spanish VET system; to get to know the organization, internal structure and competences of the work-placement system (school-company); understand the relationship between schools and business environment; encourage cooperative efforts between schools and educational institutions at different levels; and promote the use of foreign languages, the work culture, as well as the socio-cultural exchange. The specific objectives are focused on strengthening the relationship among the participant organizations through the joint examination of new professional and educational structures, with close attention to VET; going in depth and comparing the curriculum of the specialization of International Trade & Marketing and Transport & Logistics; creating a professional network with other countries; getting to know the relationship between school and the world of business to stimulate the creation of strategic partnerships to delve into common difficulties and transfer good practices among VET systems; and promoting and settling down the sense of European belonging. The participants of the Mobility Consortia are 38 VET professionals from the Xarxa FP Spanish cities of Alcoy, Barcelona, Gandía, Madrid, Mislata and Reus, lead by the Secretariat General of Xarxa FP. All participants are professionals with a long career within the VET sector, both in executive teams and with educational responsibilities (flow 1) and with teaching experience, even within the private sector (flow 2). The first flow was aimed at 22 principals and responsible of the management of the school as well as VET professionals with management capacity and local decision power (local educational organizations) that had a training in Denmark hosted by Mercantec. The second flow was aimed at 16 teachers/heads of department of the families above that had a sector training in the Netherlands, with a major economic importance within the international trade and logistic distribution, hosted by ROC West-Brabant. The activities are summarized as follows: presentation of the education/VET systems in Denmark and Netherlands, career-guidance and long life teaching, the validation and accreditation of professional experience; meeting with educational managers/planners at a local/regional level; visit to local and international companies with apprenticeship contracts, and visits to different VET schools, among others. The main acquired results are the improvement of professional competences, language skills, adaptation to other cultural and socio-educational realities, extension of interpersonal and social skills, and the development of a critical spirit before their profession. We consider a key factor is to have observed other ways of workings teaching and running a school, as well as the successful VT strategies that are implemented in Denmark and the Netherlands for a better transition from school to the labour market. The achieved impact of the first flow is to have generated an extensive knowledge about other European models such as the Danish and Dutch VET systems, their country values related with VET in order to attain a low level of school dropout and high employability in these countries. Through the second flow, the curriculum of the studies of the mentioned specialties have been analyzed in depth, counterparts have created new types of collaboration, improvements applied to the education quality, the monitoring of work-placements in companies, the relationship with the business arena, the school organization and the development of these specializations. In both flows, new strategic alliances have arisen among the participants and hosting organizations to delve into common VET challenges across Europe. The short-term benefits of both flows have been translated into good practices widely recognized in Denmark and Netherlands, and its successful impact that had in the participant organizations, such as the pilot project “BAT-FP” lead by Alcoy. The long-term benefit that is expected to be achieved is to improve the professional competences and skills of participants within the educational VET scheme in Spain, reflected in a more internationalized VET and hence improved across the country.
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