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Educaţie formativă şi incluzivă prin instrumente şi strategii didactice inovatoare
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project, "Formative and inclusive education through innovative instruments and didactic strategies" has started from the analysis of the strategic aims which we have established through the European Development Plan and which have led to the identification of two priorities for our training needs: the increase of the educational efficiency through the achievement of a formative education and the acquisition of some educational methods by supporting disadvantaged groups of students (Romani, disabled youth, students from the rural area and those having unemployed parents). The objectives are the following: 1. the teachers’ training for an inclusive education, to assure the good integration of students with special educational needs and disadvantaged students; 2. the teachers’ training for the use of some innovative methods of teaching and learning, motivating students to ensure and improve the quality of education; 3. the teachers’ training to use new technologies and the opened educational resources; 12 teachers will be participating at the training mobility activity, having the following profile: - teachers from different curricular areas, so that we should increase the formative education for all the subjects; - form teachers who are the first confronted with the problems of disadvantaged students; - teachers who participated in training courses (management, digital, and linguistic competences); - teachers who coordinated educational projects; - teachers who got involved into the implementation of a good practice for the improvement of the educational process in our school and for its prestige at a local, national and European level; - teachers who can prove communicative and collaborative competences, who can assure a good valuation of the participation in training and a good dissemination and application of the newly- acquired competences, at the end of the project. The main activities of the project are: 1. setting the working team for the project submission; 2. the project planning through: the establishment of the objectives and the performances to be attained, of the resources, ways and means, time and responsibilities regarding the project management, as well as the identification of the risk factors; 3. the implementation of the project on the basis of the managerial activity plan is presented in the form of a checking procedure in which the project manager has to identify the irregularities compared to the initial project and to ensure the sharp start of the action of correction. The main stages envisage the courses selection, the participants selection for the training courses, the organization and the development of the mobility activities; 4. the monitor, the check and the evaluation of the project have the role to ensure the achievement of the objectives of the project, relying on the established performance criteria. The irregularities between the initial planning and the updates will be identified and corrective actions will be adopted, if necessary, according to the risk management. The main results of the project will be: 1. the knowledge and the application of the principles, strategies and the modern didactic methods to ensure a formative education and an increase of the percentage of success at the baccalaureate examination, of more prizes at school contests and Olympiads; 2. the awareness of the similarities and dissimilarities regarding cultural diversity and identity, achieving an inclusive education, which will lead to the improvement of the school results of the socially disadvantaged students, with special educational needs or belonging to the Romani ethnic; 3. the improvement of the linguistic competences in English and French, regarding written and oral communication at students and teachers; 4. the development of the digital competencies in working with students and during the international collaboration through the use of the Internet and the new technologies; 5. the development of the personal values such as: tolerance, creative and critical thinking, team spirit, assertiveness, positive attitude towards different cultures, religions and social environments, which will lead to the decrease of the number and the extension of the school conflicts All these new acquisitions will have a direct beneficial impact upon the students, leading to the establishment of some good cooperative relationships between them and their teachers and will assure an optimistic vision upon their future personal and professional evolution. In conclusion, this access to the training courses developed in the real life context will help both the teachers and the students, as well as the local community become aware of the importance of the principle of lifelong learning , while permanently maintaining the contact with the new tendencies of globalization and the usefulness of a good practice from the European environment.
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