ЕДС от А до Я
Start date: Aug 15, 2015,
End date: Feb 14, 2016
The project "From A to Z about EVS" will gather 25 representatives of organizations (project managers, youth workers, coordinators, supervisors) from 8 countries - Albania, Croatia, Georgia, FYROM, Romania, Serbia, Spain and Bulgaria . The project is a training course for organizations willing to know more about the possibility of organizing and implementing EVS projects with high quality. It is also very suitable for organizations who need or plan to train new to the topic staff or would like to reassure their knowledge. Last but not least – it would be a chance for networking and fining reliable partners for future EVS projects. The EVS training course will take place from 2nd till 8th November 2015 in Bulgaria.
With the project we would like to popularize the possibility for volunteering and especially promoting EVS opportunities and to clarify all the steps of how to organize and implement EVS projects of high quality. The objectives of this project can be outlined as:
- Increasing knowledge and information about the philosophy of volunteering and the possibility of implementing EVS projects
- Providing information about the basics of EVS projects, rights, responsibilities and roles of the main actors
- Getting into the details of how processes could be efficiently structured through the whole cycle of the project - preparation, application, implementation, evaluation, follow-up activities, next steps
- Sharing of practical tips and tricks for raising the quality of the projects to be implemented
- Preparation for the practical realization of the EVS projects
- Sharing of good and bad practices giving a learning opportunity and ideas for improvement
- Creating of a support and sharing group of organizations for a successful implementation of future EVS projects
- Increasing the knowledge in general about Erasmus+ Programme
The above will be met by using the fundamentals (tools and practices) of non-formal and informal learning and also by creating a safe, sharing and creative environment. There will be sessions dedicated to the philosophy of volunteering and in particular EVS, EVS project Cycle, rights and responsibilities of the different actors, support systems, practical aspects of the projects and dealing with challenging situations that might appear during the implementation of the projects as well as sessions providing practical tools for improving efficient communication, dealing with conflicts, coaching, supporting of learning process of the EVS volunteers. Additionally the training will create a support system for the representatives, providing space and platform to help each other within the future EVS projects.
The competencies that the participants are expected to develop and improve are related to the objectives of the project. In more particular we would like to develop and enrich the following competences:
- increased understanding of the philosophy of volunteering, what it brings to all the actors involved and a deeper understanding of the service and learning concepts in EVS particular
- increased motivation and improved skills for developing quality EVS projects
- knowledge and skill for preparing, implementing and evaluating EVS projects
- developing skills for teamwork, cooperation and networking of the participants and the project partners
- better understanding of profiles and roles of the actors of the EVS support system, their rights and responsibilities
- acquire and develop some skills on effective communication and crisis management to be used during the EVS projects
- gaining new tools, methods and mechanisms for supporting EVS volunteer throughout the different phases of EVS projects
- understanding of intercultural learning and communication