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ECVET-path for Lifelonglearning
End date: Dec 23, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Working lifetime is going to be longer – including more changes in the profession and jobs. Growing population of elder people need more and more qualified people to support them (see i.e. CEDEFOP Research Paper Nr.7 “Quality assurance in the social care sector”, the role of training, Luxemburg 2010).More and more people work in the field of elderly care, social care and personal services – without a regular qualification but based on knowledge they collected during their lifetime. This helps to master daily work but is a dead-end-street when planning a career. Within this proposed project framework the consortium plans to setup a manual “how to create your individual lifelong learning path” which will help people to recognize and to validate the learning outcomes they have during their lifetime - reached by formal, informal and non-formal learning.This has to be seen conform to the demands of “The Bruges Communiqué on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the period 2011-2020”.Within this project paths to empowering people for their lifelong learning activities were developped and also internationalized VET by merging partner’s experience and training competences in healthcare/ social care sector – under the focus of EQF and ECVET and recognition of prior learning.The consortium of 8 partners in 6 countries consisted of training providers, high schools, vocational schools, association in healthcare sector and governmental institutions. All are experienced in European cooperation and transnational activities, so this manual gives solid perspective for a strong impact of the national and transnational round-tables and into the healthcare/ social care –sector.Outcomes are: * high quality harmonized APL and ECVET process which promotes the recognition of competences and in different countries, according to each countries national and regional rules and special needs (i.e. in Germany actual development of a DECVET-system)* improved standard of qualification programs for healthcare/personal services with regard to content, methods and in terms of transparency and recognition between the European countries * a common guideline/Manual for evaluation on the APL and ECVET process.More chances to come to valid and estimated qualification also result in more interest to enter professions in the sector of healthcare and social care, an impact of empowering people by recognizing and validating prior learning experience. - One step to solve a core problem of aging society.This project “established communication strategies for different stakeholder groups, focused on implementation and the added value of tools (ECVET, ECTS, referencing of NQFs to EQF, quality assurance systems in line with EQAVET)” (Short-time deliverable Nr.20 in Bruges Communiqué)
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7 Partners Participants